15-04-2012, 04:51 PM
Well, once you realize the Technical Services Division was already involved through Lane's exposing of the Secret Service credentials, and the Dallas Oswald double shows a willingness to do bold public psy-ops type operations, the possibility must be entertained, in my mind, since you have a pattern of such deep manipulation. Don't forget Jensen's 'Atsugi Assassins' or Dick Russell's accusation that Oswald was hypnotized. Once you establish there were possibly such hypno-ops involved in some aspects of the Assassination then it is reasonable to speculate that perhaps they could have been deployed in other aspects. A good researcher or investigator keeps an open mind on these things rather than slamming the door shut by theoretical dogma. While I subscribe to the Deep Political model as a guiding principle I do not endorse its being used like a blunt instrument when we are dealing with delicate butterflies. I'm wondering if perhaps the late night bar visits by the Secret Service may have had another sinister intent not previously considered? I see no need for any hard intolerant rule here to restrict simple speculation on educated possibilities. If this hypnotic programming did occur it would actually be these rule enforcers that would be the ones damaging the research community. My God, the Deep Political perspective cannot pose itself as an end-all definition that tolerates no further inspection of possible assassination interpretations. That would be a violation of free thought that would be much worse in the long run than any mistaken assassination interpretations. After all, I'm not suggesting Greer shot Kennedy. Nor am I offering a Fetzer-like position of blind stubbornness against the obvious. If my speculation is wrong then I'll withdraw it, however I must protest the mislabeling of educated speculation as damaging or purposefully misleading the Assassination community or that certain persons automatically embody the perfect concept of the Assassination when the evidence is still majorly unresolved. That seems to me to be too obvious an intellectual or academic short-cut and only serves those with less curious minds or those, who because of their personal nature, are too narrow-minded to consider other possibilities, or are prone to seize on broad political interpretations in order to serve their own investigative limitations. Sorry but defending such narrow-mindedness by accusing others of trying to penetrate and upset the established norm is too easy a device and risks preventing further inlooks into the Assassination. Don't get me wrong, I totally agree that the Deep Politics perspective is useful in shaving away the static that serves the enemy and getting right to the correct position by which to confront them, but in my mind there's a fine line between academic rigor and unnecessary bullying or intimidation. Once you establish that the polka dot dress in the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel was a hypno-trigger device it creates the possibility that Umbrella Man's pumping umbrella was (potentially) a similar device. I'm not demanding it was - just suggesting the possibility. It could be that the complete and undetected success of this hypno-trigger device led to the use of a similar device at the Ambassador Hotel. Or it could be that the possibility of other umbrellas being open along the route would dismiss this theory and make it rubbish. Having seen Fetzer in action I would be willing to drop the speculation if people really thought it was counter-productive or even wrong.