25-06-2012, 05:15 PM
Mark Stapleton Wrote:The main reason I believe Israel and its hardline supporters in the US were the driving force behind JFK's death is that, as far as I can see, Israel was the only one of all the suspects who extracted a tangible gain from JFK's removal. I hasten to add that the MIC also made a profit also but I don't regard Israel and the weapons industry to be mutually exclusive. Many hardline Zionists have large investments in the industry.
So do Quakers. So do Anglicans. So do atheists. Even the Roman Catholic Church has investments in armaments. So do hedge funds. So do many pension funds. Maybe your pension fund even. But the Vatican wasn't behind the assassination either.
There is more than one kind of Zionism. And there is more than one kind of political Zionism.
Lots of people and groups gained by the removal of JFK. Careers flourished. Bank accounts grew. New industries grew massively. Nations disappeared. New ones created. Just look at it all today. It wasn't florists who benefited.
Mark Stapleton Wrote:What were the tangible gains? First and foremost was its nuclear capability. I believe Kennedy's intransigent opposition to a nuclear Israel was regarded by hardline Zionists as an existiential threat to their nation's survival. The timeline on this is very clear. Once LBJ took over the pressure valve was switched off and Israel suddenly became much more willing to allow 'limited' inspections of Dimona by American inspectors (all on Israel's terms of course). It was all sham and window dressing, as some of the inspection parties complained.
Nuclear proliferation was the name of the game in those days. Remember the song by Tom Lehrer? The Treaty was brought in to effect in 1968 to deal with that very issue. It looks like Japan has been engaged in illegal enrichment for nuclear weapons for some time, how long ? and we only found that out because of the earthquake and tidal wave. And the media is still not talking about that. And when was the last time the US arsenal was inspected? And by whom? The whole nuclear industry with their peaceful atoms and their pretence at safety and control is a sham in all sorts of ways and not just restricted to Israel. Israel's programme was started and achieved what they wanted before JFK was even president. Fait acomplis. No need for more.
Mark Stapleton Wrote:The other tangible gain was military funding, which grew from zero to $300 million from 1963 to 1967. LBJ helped Israel become the regional superpower.
Indeed he did. But there is also some confusion about what Israel is with some people. Sure Israel exhibits all the traits of 19th century romantic Nationalism from which it sprang. As did Italy and Germany and others. Certainly for some there is the usual nationalistic clap trap, homeland, flag, blood, mythic history etc. And certainly there are some Israelis and Jews (they are not the same by a long shot) who harbour a typical colonial vision of a greater Israel for either religious or political territorial growth. But Israel is not just a Jewish thing. It is above all a European creation. It was on the books in the late 19th century in all the colonial powers foreign desks. It would solve Europe's problem of these unwelcome troublesome immigrants if they could be removed elsewhere. This became especially so after the recent embarrassing excess of the Germans and was supported by people of good hearts as well as cold ones for different reasons. But it was not for this reason alone that the creation of Israel was decided on by Europe. Far more important was the opportunity to have a European outpost in the middle of the Arab world. Strategic for all sorts of reasons. Oh, and the oil. And the canal. The last thing Europe wanted was a unified independent Pan Arabia. It is a huge and valuable area. Far to valuable for the natives to run it for them selves. As long as Israel is where it is there will be disunity in the Middle east. The Israel project will get all the funding it needs to keep going until it has outlived its usefulness and then it wont. Too many people beside some Israelis and some Zionist dreamers have an investment in that. For now.
But there was billions of dollars in foreign and military aid spent in all sorts of ways in all sorts of places all over the world. Not just Israel. Because there was an red under every bed in those days. Freedom had to be defended. Communists destroyed. Al Qaida came later. It's been boom times since 1963 for some.
Mark Stapleton Wrote:No way Kennedy would have gone along with this. He wanted any funding of Israel to be tied to concessions to the Palestinians.
There were a lot of things that Kennedy would not have gone along with which is why he was removed. Palestinians the least of it. Invasion of Cuba. US military involvement in war in Vietnam. Over throw of Allende had he been around. And the mass murders in Indonesia. But it probably never would have got to that because they got to him first.
Mark Stapleton Wrote:Another compelling reason is that the mainstream media-naturally there was little alternative media back then-was owned by those sympathetic to Zionism. Paley, Sarnoff and the rest. That's why the media has actively discouraged genuine investigations into JFK's death for the last 49 years. This crime would never have remained unsolved for so long unless those complicit in it had control of the media.
Katherine Graham, Bill Colby before his canoeing accident and several others as well as the known existence of Mockingbird have shown us the media is far from free and open and is heavily controlled by reactionary forces. For the same reasons they are who they are they have no interest in the truth of the assassination of JFK or many other world events. They already know the truth. That's all that matters.
Mark Stapleton Wrote:Once LBJ was sworn in, they had control of the Government as well, and all the sham Government inquiries which followed.
Sham governments do sham inquiries. The office of President is a ceremonial position only. Those that perform in any meaningful way are removed. They already had control of the real government. Which is why JFK was removed.
Mark Stapleton Wrote:Anyone who thinks Israel didn't have the power and influence to carry it out doesn't know Israel.
I know Israel all too well. It is insane and divided against itself and unlikely to survive in its current form for a variety of reason including its own internal contradictions.
Mark Stapleton Wrote:They still carry out covert assassinations on a regular basis. Four Iranian nuclear scientists have been murdered in the last two years so their reach can even extend to overtly hostile countries.
Nothing particularly clever about that. Just general trade craft. Thousands of unsolved murders every year. Thousands of suspicious ones too.
Mark Stapleton Wrote:And to those who think Israel should be placed above suspicion I would just remind them that at various times the Governments of Cuba, Russia and even the US have been nominated as sponsors. Why should Israel be off limits, given their bellicose past and present?
The government of Cuba and the USSR/Russia were never seriously considered as sponsors. Even by the people who put them forward as such who put them forward as such to further their own various agenda. Eg. LBJ, Warren, Hoover, JCS etc. While individual Cubans or Soviets may have been involved in the events of the assassination it had nothing to do with Cuba or the USSR and those countries clearly had nothing to gain by such an action. Same goes for Jews and Israelis though Israel may have had a bone or two thrown its way it wasn't a thank you for any work (not) done just self interest. The dog still wags the tail.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.