26-06-2012, 05:42 AM
Albert Doyle Wrote:Mark Stapleton Wrote:Albert Doyle Wrote:I think my point is not to throw out this very legitimate Kennedy Assassination Mediterranean china shop by either knee-jerking anti-semitism, deep political structure, or anti-jewish antipathy too strongly.
Does this mean Israel should be above suspicion?
No. It probably means Israel was no more the "Mastermind" than Johnson.
We'll never know who killed Kennedy. There won't be any convictions, confessions or 'amazing discoveries' found in dusty archives. All we have is debate.
And it will be a debate without limits. The era of 'no go' zones is over. Hypothesising Israel as being responsible for Dealey Plaza is not knee-jerking anti-semitism or anti-jewish antipathy. It is a conclusion drawn from all the evidence available. Overwhelming evidence, imo.