27-06-2012, 05:48 PM
Quote:This is what I have always thought as well. Now I am more on the fence after reading Lisa's review of Janney's book. I would like to hear more from you and Peter on this as I know too little about this matter to have any conclusion except that based on a hunch. I've heard the JKF/Mary Meyer LSD stories for decades and actually thought that was rather cool, if it occurred. And all the diary stuff lends itself to the notion of the murder being a "deep political act". Lisa's review pulled me one way now I am back in the middle. Open.
Yeah its funny sister. Note how I mispelt insentive oh god 'incentive'!!!! But yeah I had the same feeling that it was cool JFK was tripping out as well. Sadly, the sources for it just really aren't there or are very credible. I mean Leary has been proven to be such a stooge of the establishment, rather than counter culture guru (as we all know). I mean I couldn't trust a word from his mouth. Well before I'd read his involvement in the Meyer case, or even knew he was behind 'the cool' story. I'd come across a lot of shit that made me very cynical of him. When I saw Jim give him some grief years back about it all, I was like 'right on brother'!
The Diary stuff I assume will be discussed in Part II of this essay. I have not asked Jim what was going on. I think Peter from what I have seen is pretty pro the diary angle. I don't know how much you will learn from Pete and I going head to head. I mean up with Carl Ogelsbys commentary, The Posthumous Assassination of JFK article, was one of the things that really turned me 360 on JFK, not only that altered my perceptions of the assassination. I mean I can dig out the info or links I have discussing Leary. My angle on it all is really 'if', just 'if' it was a deep political act. It may not have anything to do with JFK or the assassination at all. A lot of people die for a lot of different things. The evidence accumulated by Lisa and Jim not to mention the poor sourcing of Janney, really do put a kaibosh for me on the JFK angle.
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992