29-06-2012, 10:18 PM
We may always rely upon you to provide a wheels-within-wheels analysis, thought-provoking inversion of assumptions.
I return us now to the news of the day, Saudis (to whom our president bowed) maintain production to punish Putin's Russia for arming the Sunni rebels.
Insurance cancelled on the Russian ship bringing helicopters and it returns to port as Russia protests the insurance company had no right to refuse coverage.
Turkey under Erdogan is Islamism ascendant.
The Sponsor model for me has become a unified theory which explains everything or nothing.
At every place on the Great Mandala the players protest sincerity.
May we question Johnson's crocodile tears or the General Guide to the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood's exhortation to jihad.
I posit some will find a Mossad Israeli Zionist (MIZ) behind every bushin just the way that some of our favorite people find a Bush behind every bush, or an FLBJ (Friend of LBJ), et cetera.
The world is an arena wherein there are levels of play. I think you posit that the MIZ, the Mossad Israeli Zionists control the four dimensional chess on the holodeck.
Okay, the China-Israeli arms trade was initiated by Shaul Eisenberg.
Marc Rich married Denise Eisenberg whose father Emil Eisenberg created the business opportunity for the man pardoned by Bill Clinton.
Whose wife may be monitored by the daughter of the chief of the virtual "Muslim sisterhood" a best-friend-forever of the new Egyptian ruler.
Do you think the Secretary of State who entertained Arafat more than any other person is carrying a chip implanted by the Ministry of MIZ.
Surely the sponsor manipulates in almost imperceptible fashion.
Now, consider Allen Dulles.
If you are an agent of Zionism you procure a twenty-million-dollar loan for Germany while downplaying the threat of Hitler.
You will show us how that works I am sure.
We exist on a torus of known dimensions.
Or maybe it's a Torah.
Someone will be along with an aha.
We may always rely upon you to provide a wheels-within-wheels analysis, thought-provoking inversion of assumptions.
I return us now to the news of the day, Saudis (to whom our president bowed) maintain production to punish Putin's Russia for arming the Sunni rebels.
Insurance cancelled on the Russian ship bringing helicopters and it returns to port as Russia protests the insurance company had no right to refuse coverage.
Turkey under Erdogan is Islamism ascendant.
The Sponsor model for me has become a unified theory which explains everything or nothing.
At every place on the Great Mandala the players protest sincerity.
May we question Johnson's crocodile tears or the General Guide to the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood's exhortation to jihad.
I posit some will find a Mossad Israeli Zionist (MIZ) behind every bushin just the way that some of our favorite people find a Bush behind every bush, or an FLBJ (Friend of LBJ), et cetera.
The world is an arena wherein there are levels of play. I think you posit that the MIZ, the Mossad Israeli Zionists control the four dimensional chess on the holodeck.
Okay, the China-Israeli arms trade was initiated by Shaul Eisenberg.
Marc Rich married Denise Eisenberg whose father Emil Eisenberg created the business opportunity for the man pardoned by Bill Clinton.
Whose wife may be monitored by the daughter of the chief of the virtual "Muslim sisterhood" a best-friend-forever of the new Egyptian ruler.
Do you think the Secretary of State who entertained Arafat more than any other person is carrying a chip implanted by the Ministry of MIZ.
Surely the sponsor manipulates in almost imperceptible fashion.
Now, consider Allen Dulles.
If you are an agent of Zionism you procure a twenty-million-dollar loan for Germany while downplaying the threat of Hitler.
You will show us how that works I am sure.
We exist on a torus of known dimensions.
Or maybe it's a Torah.
Someone will be along with an aha.