11-07-2012, 12:27 PM
Dawn Meredith Wrote:I just looked at the end of this most bizarre "exchange".
"Kennedy: (Embracing DULLES and then holding him at arm's length, smiling and looking DULLES straight in the eye). You forgive me...all the troubles I caused you...the family...everyone.
DULLES: Of course . (Dulles affectionately musses Kennedy's hair. They hug each other with vigor".
No idea why he included this entire piece of crap in this book. An attempt to be clever? No clue.
I'll try to give you a clue.
Assume that you have an argument with an imaginary friend-let's call him Mark Disinformski and he cannot pursuade you to agree with his views on the JFK assassination. One day you decide to expose the sponsors of the crime and he tries to reason with you taht you should not do it, but you would not listen and you give him the middle finger.
Now he decides that something drastic should be done to stop you. One night a stranger attacks you in the dark, punches you and breaks you jaw. As a result you do not reveal anything.
After a while he reveals to you that it was him that he did it, he explains you the reasons why and you finally agree with him that you were wrong and that he was right and you ask for his forgiveness.
Now what should i conclude as an independent observer?
That Mr. Disinformski although he used violence, he was justified to do it since you would not listen and because you also admited that he was right and you were wrong. So you deserved to be punished in that way as a last resort since reasoning would not have an efect on you. Therefore i absolve him and i condemn you. Do you get the big picture now?