07-08-2012, 03:33 PM
"Can one elected representative be enlightened."
Earlier, yes.
Now, no way, not without reaching way more constituents first.
It is very important we have an accurate sense of the Degree of Corruption in the historical period in which we are working. The internet-cable environment is very different from the last time there was a congressional mandate. Now reform is completely unnecessary: all the elite need do is make a new placating web site or cable channel to "hamster wheel" those informed enough to speak out, creating, within their shared yaking, a sense of progress, and then the elite can get away with no reform at all and deeper corruption.
30 years after the Coronation of the CIA* is not the same as 49 years after the Coronation of the CIA*. Coformity and silence grow exponentially not incrementally, when it comes to MICC.
It is often pointed out "No JFK movie... no ARRB"
Yet how often people forget that when it comes to the latest effort to beg Congress.
There will not be another JFK movie. We have to go out and each reach 11,000 new people a year. New people. That means snaging their interest with some connection to today, some connection to their special interest etc. E.g. for IMBDish people the youtube on the connection between Seven Days In May as an entry way . If we don't built the entry ramps nothing will happen.
if we don't build the entry ramps nothing will happen. Hey, I hear a movie hopefully with Pacino pitching in an Iowa cornfield.
* here Heidenheimer types his myopcia in such a way as to challenge other views about the overuse of this term and to challenge other views that Heidenheimer's myopcia is reductive and an oversimplification. He's all "how can you absolve an organization predicated on non-oversight and compartmentalization just because there are no Company wide memo's for 11/22/63?"-- The increasingly necessary editors . He hopes that this does not inspire anyone wrathful, as his use of these 3 letters is intended as a simplification-to-inspire-thoughts or something.
Earlier, yes.
Now, no way, not without reaching way more constituents first.
It is very important we have an accurate sense of the Degree of Corruption in the historical period in which we are working. The internet-cable environment is very different from the last time there was a congressional mandate. Now reform is completely unnecessary: all the elite need do is make a new placating web site or cable channel to "hamster wheel" those informed enough to speak out, creating, within their shared yaking, a sense of progress, and then the elite can get away with no reform at all and deeper corruption.
30 years after the Coronation of the CIA* is not the same as 49 years after the Coronation of the CIA*. Coformity and silence grow exponentially not incrementally, when it comes to MICC.
It is often pointed out "No JFK movie... no ARRB"
Yet how often people forget that when it comes to the latest effort to beg Congress.
There will not be another JFK movie. We have to go out and each reach 11,000 new people a year. New people. That means snaging their interest with some connection to today, some connection to their special interest etc. E.g. for IMBDish people the youtube on the connection between Seven Days In May as an entry way . If we don't built the entry ramps nothing will happen.
if we don't build the entry ramps nothing will happen. Hey, I hear a movie hopefully with Pacino pitching in an Iowa cornfield.
* here Heidenheimer types his myopcia in such a way as to challenge other views about the overuse of this term and to challenge other views that Heidenheimer's myopcia is reductive and an oversimplification. He's all "how can you absolve an organization predicated on non-oversight and compartmentalization just because there are no Company wide memo's for 11/22/63?"-- The increasingly necessary editors . He hopes that this does not inspire anyone wrathful, as his use of these 3 letters is intended as a simplification-to-inspire-thoughts or something.