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Gladio: a documented 'false flag' terror campaign
Documents 31 Dec 1956 Memorandum from the US Representative of NATO Military Committee and Standing Group (Lieutenant General Leon W. Johnson) to the US Joint Chiefs of Staff
1 Jun 1959 Report by the Italian Military Secret Service (SIFAR) on Operation Gladio
Mar 1970 US Field Manual 30-31B 18
1978 William Colby, "Chapter Three: A Scandinavian Spy," in Honorable Men: My Life in the CIA (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978), pp. 78-107.
6 Nov 1984 Memorandum from the East German Director of Signals Intelligence (Major-General Horst Männchen) to the Deputy Director of the East German Ministry of State Security (Lieutenant-General Gerhard Neiber)
Oct 1990 Report by Italian Prime Minister (Giulio Andreotti) to the Stragi Commission of the Italian Senate
17 Nov 1990 Parlamentary Investigation of the Swiss Defense Ministry's Secret Army P-26
15 Mar 1991 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) by the National Security Archive
1 Oct 1991 Parliamentary Investigation into the Existence of a Secret International Intelligence Network in Belgium
1995 Parliamentary Investigation into Terrorism in Italy
14 Dec 2000 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) by Daniele Ganser
28 Dec 2000 First Reply (Request Declined) by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to Daniele Ganser re: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request on Operation Gladio
23 Jan 2001 Appeal to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) by Daniele Ganser re: FOIA Request on Operation Gladio
7 Feb 2001 Second Reply (Request Accepted, but Pending) by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to Daniele Ganser re: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request on Operation Gladio
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- [for links to download these!]
AÄŸca basit bir kukla deÄŸil by Leyla TavsanoÄŸlu
Language: Turkish (pdf 48kb) Cumhuriyet Newspaper
19 Jan 2006
Türk Gladio'su gerçeği by Uluç Gürkan
Lanuage: Turkish (pdf 49kb) Cumhuriyet Newspaper
19 Jan 2006
Çürüme sürecine girildi by Uluç Gürkan
Lanuage: Turkish (pdf 43kb) Cumhuriyet Newspaper
19 Jan 2006
How our Governments use Terrorism to Control us by Tim Howells
Language: English (pdf 50kb) Online Journal
28 Nov 2005
N.A.T.O. Gladio, and the Strategy of Tension by Three Monkeys Online
Language: English (pdf pdf version 57kb) Three Monkeys Online
Oct 2005
Zweifel an der Theorie vom verwirrten Einzeltäter by Karl Meyer
Language: German (pdf 22kb) Telepolis
26 Sep 2005
Verdeckte Kriegsführung: NATO Strategie der Spannung by Martin Stuber
Language: German (pdf 183kb) Das Bulletin
20 Sep 2005
Ausstieg aus der Gewaltspirale. Interview mit Daniele Ganser by Gerold Aregger
Language: German (pdf 88kb) Gegenwart
15 Sep 2005
Al Qaida has got Nothing on this Terror and Mayhem. Review of NATO's Secret Armies by Phil Chamberlain
Language: English (pdf 1.66MB) Tribune Books
9 Sep 2005
Interview with Daniele Ganser conducted by Giancarlo Rossi (mp3 audio file) Italian State Radio RAI
4 Sep 2005
Strategie der Spannung by Mathias Bröckers
Language: German (pdf 42kb) Writersblog bei Zweitausendeins
11 Jul 2005
Gli eserciti segreti della NATO. Operazione Gladio e terrorismo in Europa occidentale by Daniele Ganser
Language: Italian
Novità: Fazi Editore.
1 Jul 2005
Nato-Geheimarmeen. "Strategie der Spannung" und die Schweiz
Language: German (pdf pdf version 25kb) Amtliches Bulletin der Bundes-versammlung
16 Jun 2005
The Puzzling Story of NATO's Secret Armies During the Cold War: Just What Were They Up to? by Daniele Ganser
Language: English (pdf pdf version 32kb) History News Network, USA
13 Jun 2005
Terrorism in Western Europe: An Approach to NATO's Secret Stay-Behind Armies by Daniele Ganser
Language: English (pdf 164kb) The Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations
1 Jun 2005
Wiesen Attentat: Geheimarmee unter Verdacht
Language: German (pdf 108kb) Abendzeitung
17 May 2005
Het spiegelpaleis by Georges Timmerman
Language: Dutch (pdf 238kb) De Morgen
14 May 2005
G gününde nefesleri kesilecek by Yalcin Dogan
Language: Turkish Hürriyet
1 May 2005
Kontrgerilla vahseti (Part 1 and Part 2) by Osman Cutsay
Language: Turkish
26 Apr 2005
»In Nato-Geheimarmee dienten ehemalige SS-Leute« by Peter Wolter
Language: German (pdf 46kb) Junge Welt
14 Apr 2005
Die dunkle Seite des Westens (Part 1 and Part 2) by Gunther Latsch
Language: German (pdf entire document 3.94MB) Der Spiegel
11 Apr 2005
Gli eserciti segreti della Nato by Nenad Stojanovic
Language: Italian (pdf 107kb) Ticino 7

10 Apr 2005
Secret Warfare: From Operation Gladio to 9/11 by Claudio Celani and Michael Liebig
Language: English (pdf 149kb) Executive Intelligence Review EIR
8 Apr 2005
Ãœber sich selbst hinauswachsen Wege aus dem gewalterzeugenden Bewusstsein by Thomas Meyer
Language: German (pdf 261kb)
Der Europäer
1 Apr 2005
Parlamentarier fordern Veröffentlichung des Cornu Berichts by Josef Lang
Language: German
Amtliches Bulletin Nationalrat
16 Mar 2005
Shattered Bridges by Samia Nkrumah
Language: English (pdf pdf version 13kb)
Al Ahram, Kairo
3 Mar 2005
Geheime Armeen. Interview mit Daniele Ganser by Andreas Weibel
Language: German (pdf 98kb) GSOA Zeitung
1 Mar 2005
Geschichte lässt sich auf Dauer nicht fälschen by Thomas Meyer
Language: German (pdf 490kb) Der Europäer
1 Mar 2005
A NATO titkos hadseregei by Pál Léderer
Language: Hungarian (pdf pdf version 137kb) Nepszabadsag Online
28 Feb 2005
Sword Play by Chris Floyd
Languge: English (pdf pdf version 97kb) The Moscow Times
18 Feb 2005
The Pentagon's 'NATO Option' by Lila Rajiva
Language: English (pdf pdf version 18kb)
10 Feb 2005
Les Armées Secrètes de l'OTAN by Nicole Duparc
Language: French (audio file mp3 format) Radio Suisse Romande
3 Feb 2005
Forschung in der Unterwelt by Daniel Stern
Language: German (pdf 532kb) Die Wochen-
zeitung (WOZ)
3 Feb 2005
Konferenz "Nato Geheimarmeen und P26". Die dunklen Seiten des Westens Language: German ( pdf version 70kb) ETH Life
3 Feb 2005
Naton salaiset armeijat ja terrorismi (Nato's secret armies and terrorism) (pdf 1.16MB) Part 2 (pdf 789kb), translated by Antti Jauhiainen
Language: Finnish Rauhan Puolesta (Pro Peace)

2 Feb 2005
Interview mit Daniele Ganser in Geschichte in Augenblicken
Language: German (audio file WAV format) Radio Eins Berlin
28 Jan 2005
Interview mit Daniele Ganser
Language: German (audio file in WAV format)
29 Dec 2004
NATO-Geheimarmeen und ihr Terror by Daniele Ganser
Language: German (pdf 85kb) Der Bund, Bern
20 Dec 2004
Interview mit Daniele Ganser im Echo der Zeit
Language: German (audio file in WAV format) Schweizer Radio DRS
16 Dec 2004
CIA finanzierte staatlich organisierten Terror by Katrin Holenstein
Language: German (pdf 159kb) Basler Zeitung (baz)
15 Dec 2004
Die Geheimarmeen der NATO by Daniele Ganser
Language: German (pdf 585kb) Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ)
15 Dec 2004
La sanglante traque aux "rouges" by Ron Hochuli
Language: French ( 178kb) La Liberté
15 Dec 2004
NATO's Secret Armies Linked to Terrorism?
Language: English ( 44kb)
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Messages In This Thread
Gladio: a documented 'false flag' terror campaign - by Peter Lemkin - 15-08-2012, 07:39 AM

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