09-10-2012, 09:10 PM
When a friend from Army intelligence from the Korean Armistice told me in unquestionable gravity, "Kennedy was very dangerous, very dangerous," I had a glimpse behind the curtain.
I cannot see Kennedy embracing one from the dark side which produced and maintains the assassination.
The argument of literary license is not adequate to overcome the basic revulsion.
One might better read George Michael Evica, A Certain Arrogance, for a sense of the decades of Dulles duplicity.
Is the dialogue malicious or merely inept.
I would rather see Kennedy as Harrison Ford in Air Force One shoving Dulles out the door.
"Get off my plane!"
Spiritual plane, of course.
I cannot see Kennedy embracing one from the dark side which produced and maintains the assassination.
The argument of literary license is not adequate to overcome the basic revulsion.
One might better read George Michael Evica, A Certain Arrogance, for a sense of the decades of Dulles duplicity.
Is the dialogue malicious or merely inept.
I would rather see Kennedy as Harrison Ford in Air Force One shoving Dulles out the door.
"Get off my plane!"
Spiritual plane, of course.