15-10-2012, 08:55 PM
Albert Doyle Wrote:OK, David's attempt to obfuscate with irrelevant filibuster and anti-semite-baiting is his final position. While saying he's really interested in finding-out about Piper he isn't going to read the book. OK.
Meanwhile you have to ask yourself, with so much at stake for itself, and an issue that Ben-Gurion defined as threatening the future existence of Israel, is it really believable, as David suggests, that these "new jew backers" would only be interested in Cuba? That these US syndicate treasurers with their zionist dedication would only be interested as "new backers" in helping the Cubans? Is it really believable to suggest that even with Angleton being CIA liaison to Israel, and having taught the formers of Mossad how to be an intelligence agency directly, that there would be no cross-over interest? Even with Angleton being caught by Newman manipulating Oswald's files within CIA? Also, is it believable to suggest with Clay Shaw sitting right in the middle of both Permindex and its interests in both the Cuban action, CIA funding, and Tibor Rosenbaum's Mossad-oriented Swiss bank network - is it really plausible to suggest that these new altruistic backers would ignore all those firmly tied-in causes, directly related to Israel and it current interests, and only decide to jump in and back the Cubans? Yet David accuses me of being "narrow-minded". Hmm. I think David has the telescope turned backwards here.
I'm sorry but that dog don't hunt and it is laughably unbelievable to assert that this firmly tied-in interest would abandon all its seriously pressing needs and only decide to back Cuba when Israel itself stood to gain so much from "getting rid of Kennedy," as Echevarria said. It's simply unbelievable to seriously assert that with this proven Lansky-based Swiss bank underground and US mafia/CIA connection that those "new jew backers", with their proven dedication to zionism (as evinced in Rosenbaum's Swiss mafia money laundry bank), would suddenly become altruistic saints and decide to sacrifice their own need and only assist the Cubans as David so sincerely suggests. Who are you trying to fool?
OK Albert...
Discussing this with me gets very easy when you get to both ask and answer all the questions.
What you fail to follow Albert is that I AM AGREEING WITH YOU ON MANY LEVELS... At the heart of the money supply are Jews... along with SE Asians, WASP Generals, the Bush family, the CFR and all its tentacles.
Permindex was formed in 1958.... the CIA and those associated with PERMINDEX were moving money and performing illegal "security based" operations PRIOR to JFK - agreed?
The history of money and wealth and government control and dark ops started WELL BEFORE - the "NEW BACKERS" arrived on the scene... - yes?
Nobody becomes altruistic Albert.... in the same breath that the NEW JEWISH BACKERS did not come into existence with the creation of PERMINDEX or for the JFK assassination... these Backers became known to Echevarria enough to make his comment on 11/21. He then refers to the Killing of JFK as a seperate thing
"OUR NEW BACKERS ARE JEWS".... "as soon as (we or they) take care of Kennedy" "AS SOON AS" Albert... as in referring to a seperate action... "AS SOON AS" one thing happens, SOMETHING ELSE can happen - i.e. the taking back of CUBA with OUR NEW BACKERS' MONEY.... for it was Kennedy's policies that were making it so difficult to keep attacking Cuba - he wanted to talk peace while the 12/63 plan was in full swing.
Why would these people - if they knew about the 12/1 coup plans, interfere when they'd be getting back what they wanted without having to do a thing themselves? You have to assume with the kind of contacts this group maintained, they KNEW about these plans, right?
You and Piper INFER that these BACKERS, who have been in place in one form or another for hundreds of years, are now focused and instrumental in the killing of JFK... DUE TO A COMMENT MADE on 11/21.
That the connections are there so they MUST HAVE DONE IT...
and no other explanation for the assassination makes sense... nothing else fits the evidence like these JEW BACKERS and the hatred toward JFK due to his desire to oversee (and keep peaceful) their Atom Bomb project....
Albert... you do not have the slightest concern over Ben-Gurion's defining the situation as a THREAT to the FUTURE EXISTENCE OF ISRAEL... being somewhat of an exaggeration?
A rally cry to secure the support of the USA... a cry that has been thrown around year after year since Israel is in a CONSTANT STATE OF THREAT...
Jews/Int'l Bankers/CIA/MAFIA/MIC/CFR were not in bed together so Israel could have a bomb Albert... that's absurd.
Nor would Israel having a bomb done much for the MIC, the survival of the CIA and other military/domestic intelligence agencies, communism in the western hemisphere, or create a flow of drug money unmatched in history..
yet Albert... if you want to hang your hat on Piper's persentation as the ONLY EXPLANATION - I am not stopping you...
and if you happen upon a photo of Oswald from 11/22 prior to 12:30... sure be nice to see.