21-10-2012, 05:32 PM
Albert Doyle Wrote:Quote:your conclusions, even in your last post, are not supportable by any corroborated evidence....
Exactly what Von Pein would say David. You're ruminating against the obvious again and trying to force it into your contrived strawman nut shells. If I'm not mistaken you are denying that Ben-Gurion had a showdown with JFK through those letters. That destroys your credibility because it's acknowledged fact. Otherwise they wouldn't classify the letters (another point you never seem to get around to in your filibusters)
The sources were already cited. They are also in Piper's footnotes if you bothered to check.
No Albert... AGAIN... the sources are NOT cited... as I've shown above... I posted the ACTUAL TEXT OF THE BOOK and it still does not supoort your posts about Piper...
I posted the index and footnotes related to statements and find SY Hersh as the only source with a single Israeli "informant" as the backbone of Piper's case...
Why is pointing/linking to the sources and quoting evidence from a book you obviously support and defend so hard for you and Mark?
Of course I am denying it... prove me wrong - POST THE EVIDENCE...
y'know... open the book, find what you believe supports your position and POST IT SO WE ALL CAN JUDGE FOR OURSELVES...
and no DVP does not like to ask for evidence... in fact he never asks for it - he, like you both - comes to conclusions that are not supported by the evidence...
Case in point - (if you read/follow DVP then you might be aware of this conversation)
Kleins order for Hidell has a specific Item # - C20-T750 - as it appeared in Feb.
Waldman handwrites C2766 onto the order which relates it back 1 of 100 rifles on 10 packing slips
C20-T750 in FEB was a 36" M91/38TS rifle... as it had been since August of 1962
C2766 is a 40" M91/38FC rifle...
I asked DVP and any LNer on the planet whether or not any other single order from Kleins was ever seen showing ANY OTHER of the 99 40" rifles on an order form for a C20-T750 prior to March 1963...
Obviously if Kleins was replacement shipping the 36" rifle with the larger one... more than one of the 99 other rifles would have been shipped to a customer who placed a C20-T750 order prior to or just subsequent to HIDELL's order.
The microfilm from which the FBO printed HIDELL's order is a CE and contains hundreds of orders on it...
but the FBI only asked that the HIDELL order be printed... and when researchers when to the archives they were told that film is not longer there....
Without evidence that any other Kleins order experienced the same substitution in the 6 months prior to Hidell's order, how can DVP and the LNers claim that Hidell's order was REAL and consistent with what was being shipped... business keep records just for that purpose...the FBI destroys rexcords - just for that purpose....
THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF ANY SECRET WAR - nor is there any evidence of a connection
Quote:Using the Jewish Virtual Library on this matter is like using McAdams on the Kennedy Assassination.
Dont you get embarassed by making comments like that? McAdams is nothing but commentary on the evidence to convince you Oswald was alone
a "library" houses the actual documents - without commentary - as EVIDENCE for you to read and incorporate into your understanding...
Are you now saying that the actual documents from the period - some, not all of course - are FAKED? ALTERED? PLANTED?
or are they actual accounts (written by USG staffers) of these meetings and reflect the sentiments of those in attendance?
Then as I've asked more times than not... POST/LINK/CITE the pages of Piper's book you say shows this evidence... I've post my EVIDENCE, not only my opinions
Using Sy Hersh as a source requires GREATER corroboration, not less boys...
and it seems from continued reading, that Piper hangs his hat on Sy as the end all source of this "secret war"...
Piper writes yet provides no support for:
"In Israelin 1963David Ben-Gurion certainly looked upon John F.
Kennedy as a modern-day Haman, a son of the Amalekites. As he pondered
the brutal conflict with JFK, Ben-Gurion no doubt remembered the
meditation that is read on Purim:"
How about one of you actually give it a try rather than pull the old DVP ad hominem SOP reply and think you've scored some cosmic points
Mark - SAYING piper and hersh are correct does notmake it so... PROVE IT with something other than YOUR flowery rhetoric... Cite a page dude...
One flippin page... I went in and reviewed an entire chapter specifically called out by Piper and it still offers nothing...
No peer corroboration at all Mark... but SY was in on it...
Hey if that's your standard for evidence, I can see why you've bought into his story and don't like to cite supporting evidence... there isn't any.
According to Seymour Hersh: "Israel's bomb, and what to do about it,
became a White House fixation, part of the secret presidential agenda that
would remain hidden for the next thirty years."106
As Hersh notes, quite profoundly we see in retrospect, this secret war
with Israel was never once noted by any of Kennedy's biographers