22-10-2012, 10:45 PM
Albert Doyle Wrote:David is just flat out lying now. Now he's deliberately defrauding the record and suggesting JFK was OK with Israel's nuclear development. If that's the case then why did Ben-Gurion have a nervous breakdown and was driven out office by it?
David is offering chutzpah-rich defense lawyer legalistic-type arguments. He's definitely not honestly searching for the truth here like he claimed. JFK was opposed to any nuclear weapon development by Israel. That's what the impasse was about.
David is in ignorant denial that Kennedy prohibited nuclear weapon development by Israel or that Angleton snuck nuclear materiel from that Pennsylvania company behind Kennedy's back.
Quote:Prime Minister Ben Gurion's
assurance on peaceful uses was firm. "
Talk about mendacious chutzpah! Meanwhile Israel was busy using those materials supplied by Angleton to construct nuclear weapons at the secret facility while it was escorting US weapons inspectors past false facilities constructed specifically for the purpose of deceiving Kennedy's inspectors.
In spite of all this David says "Trust me" in regard to Ben-Gurion.
David is now straight-facedly telling us Kennedy was OK with Israel's nuclear weapon development even though Ben-Gurion is on record as saying Kennedy's position "threatened the future existence of Israel."
Oy... tell you what Albert... how about YOU stick to telling us what YOU think and I'll stick to explaining my position myself... :thumbsup:
So far your responses to my asking for YOUR idea of proof has yet to produce a single citation or example that others reading this thread could call SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION.
We can all see you can spell my name correctly Albert...
How about starting a post with, "Piper says "A" and "A" is supported with the following..... 1) , 2), 3)... etc....
JFK "prohibited nuclear weapon development by Israel" - WHERE ON EARTH DO YOU GET THIS BS ALBERT? JFK did no such thing...
So during this prohibition, and being lied to by BG, he sells Hawks to Israel...
And if we find that Dimona was not producing weapons grade product... yet all the while BG lying about that capability with the French assisting them along the way
how again is JFK "PROHIBITING" anything?
Scientists Find No Evidence of Nuclear Weapons at Dimona Reactor
(October 31, 1962)
This is a Circular Airgram from the Department of State to certain posts concerning the visit by two U.S. scientists to the Israeli nuclear reactor at Dimona.
Reftel (sent all addressees except Algiers) authorized addressees inform governments to which accredited of results unpublicized visit in spring 1961 by two qualified scientists to Israel reactor site at Dimona. According to observations then reported, Dimona project appeared of type and magnitude described publicly by Israel leaders (e.g., research reactor with 24 megawatt capacity). While they also concluded reactor upon completion in two or three years would produce small quantities plutonium as do others of comparable size and character, our experts found no evidence Israelis preparing produce weapons. We noted, accordingly, that observations US scientists tended support public and private assurances re peaceful intent Dimona project. We further noted that highest levels this government opposed to proliferation nuclear weapons production capabilities and had so informed Israel.
JFK letter to Eshkol re Dimona:
"You are aware, I am sure, of the exchanges which I had with Prime Minister
Ben-Gurion concerning American visits to Israel's nuclear facility at Dimona.
Most recently, the Prime Minister wrote to me on May 27. His words reflected a
most intense personal consideration of a problem that I know is not easy for
your Government, as it is not for mine. We welcomed the former Prime Minister's
strong reaffirmation that Dimona will be devoted exclusively to peaceful
purposes and the reaffirmation also of Israel's willingness to permit periodic
visits to Dimona.
On 3 October 1957, France and Israel signed a revised agreement calling for
France to build a 24 MWt reactor (although the cooling systems and waste
facilities were designed to handle three times that power) and, in protocols
that were not committed to paper, a chemical reprocessing plant. This complex
was constructed in secret, and outside the IAEA inspection regime, by French and
Israeli technicians at Dimona, in the Negev desert under the leadership of Col.
Manes Pratt of the IDF Ordinance Corps.
Although the United States government did not encourage or approve of the Israeli nuclear program, it also did nothing to stop it. Walworth Barbour, US ambassador to Israel from 1961-73, the bomb program's crucial years, primarily saw his job as being to insulate the President from facts which might compel him to act on the nuclear issue, alledgedly saying at one point that "The President did not send me there to give him problems. He does not want to be told any bad news." After the 1967 war, Barbour even put a stop to military attachés' intelligence collection efforts around Dimona. Even when Barbour did authorize forwarding information, as he did in 1966 when embassy staff learned that Israel was beginning to put nuclear warheads in missiles, the message seemed to disappear into the bureaucracy and was never acted upon
Sources and Resources http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsou...nukes.html
- The Third Temple's Holy Of Holies: Israel's Nuclear Weapons Warner D. Farr, LTC, U.S. Army, September 1999
- The Bomb That Never Is by Avner Cohen, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, May/June 2000, Vol 56, No. 3 pp.22-23
- Israel and the Bomb. Avner Cohen has provides a detailed account of of the political aspects of Israel's nuclear history that draws on thousands of American and Israeli government documents-most of them recently declassified and never before cited-and more than one hundred interviews with key individuals who played important roles in this story.