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Michael Piper and Final Judgment
In post 112, "Albert Doyle" writes:

"Ben-Gurion was driven to a nervous breakdown by his negotiations with Kennedy."

In post 155, David Joseph responds with the most reasonable and appropriate question:

How in the world are YOU or Piper supposed to know what causes a man's nervous breakdown? "

This prompts "Doyle," in post 188, once again to dazzle us with "his" logic:

"The biography Mark [Stapleton] cited said those around Ben-Gurion in the Israeli government witnessed it was his interactions with Kennedy over Israel's nuclear weapons that caused it. As he does, once again, above, each time you point this out to David he ignores it. That to me tells me David, while claiming he was seeking to find the truth about this, is not really doing so. So as far as David's vociferous demand that we produce absolute documented and confirmed proof he very visibly fails to meet his own standard in the case of Ben-Gurion, nor does he admit that evidence when shown. You have to understand that the nervous breakdown of the Prime Minister of Israel is no small event. Especially one that drives him from office. Yet, to David, this doesn't seem important or worth explaining. To David nervous breakdowns are common and happen all the time. But in any case you have to realize that the great demander of truth, David, hasn't followed through on his own demands and explained the reason why Ben-Gurion broke down?" [emphasis added by Drago]

Your obligation, "Albert," to "produce absolute documented and confirmed proof" for the propositions on which you base your arguments is not relieved by the behavior of any other correspondent in this area. Your dodge, alas, is less than artful.

Another thing, "Albert:" Please try your best to understand that David is under no obligation to offer a hypothesis regarding "the reason why Ben-Gurion broke down." Were he to do so, he would be guilty of the very intellectual dishonesty that you so eagerly embrace and ape.

Also come to grips with the fact that not all Jews are psychoanalysts -- although most are carriers. (This ends the abbreviated humor portion of our program.)

Finally, while I have your attention: Are you, "Albert Doyle," prepared to give us your word of honor that you are the sole author of all posts (with the exception of attributable quotes) made under your name on this and other JFK assassination-related Internet sites?

Do it convincingly, and I'll remove the quotation marks/inverted commas from "your" name.

Messages In This Thread
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 22-06-2012, 06:16 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 23-06-2012, 01:45 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 24-06-2012, 01:37 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 24-06-2012, 01:48 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 25-06-2012, 03:00 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 25-06-2012, 03:13 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 25-06-2012, 03:28 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 25-06-2012, 09:41 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 25-06-2012, 10:13 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 25-06-2012, 11:41 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 25-06-2012, 03:34 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 25-06-2012, 03:46 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 25-06-2012, 03:59 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 26-06-2012, 02:54 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 26-06-2012, 04:45 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 26-06-2012, 04:57 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 26-06-2012, 05:13 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 26-06-2012, 05:25 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 26-06-2012, 05:42 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 26-06-2012, 06:00 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 26-06-2012, 06:06 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 26-06-2012, 06:25 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 26-06-2012, 06:28 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 26-06-2012, 06:41 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 26-06-2012, 08:37 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Ed Jewett - 26-06-2012, 09:32 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 27-06-2012, 05:24 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 28-06-2012, 02:39 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 28-06-2012, 03:26 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 28-06-2012, 03:32 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 28-06-2012, 05:50 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 28-06-2012, 08:31 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 28-06-2012, 10:29 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 28-06-2012, 10:37 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 28-06-2012, 11:16 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 28-06-2012, 02:15 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 28-06-2012, 03:14 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 28-06-2012, 09:25 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 29-06-2012, 05:34 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 29-06-2012, 05:52 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 29-06-2012, 06:00 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 29-06-2012, 10:17 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 29-06-2012, 03:11 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 29-06-2012, 10:18 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 30-06-2012, 10:39 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 30-06-2012, 10:58 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 01-07-2012, 08:41 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Bill Kelly - 14-09-2012, 10:35 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 04-10-2012, 11:11 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 04-10-2012, 11:12 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 05-10-2012, 10:39 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 05-10-2012, 10:51 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 05-10-2012, 03:25 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 05-10-2012, 11:09 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 05-10-2012, 11:26 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 05-10-2012, 11:32 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 06-10-2012, 08:03 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 06-10-2012, 10:54 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 06-10-2012, 11:21 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 06-10-2012, 02:24 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 06-10-2012, 02:31 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 06-10-2012, 02:41 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 06-10-2012, 09:44 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 07-10-2012, 05:34 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 07-10-2012, 08:35 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 07-10-2012, 08:48 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 07-10-2012, 10:46 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 08-10-2012, 09:32 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 10-10-2012, 08:46 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 10-10-2012, 10:26 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 11-10-2012, 01:34 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 11-10-2012, 11:26 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 11-10-2012, 09:59 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 12-10-2012, 08:04 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 12-10-2012, 08:14 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 17-10-2012, 10:02 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 17-10-2012, 10:37 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 20-10-2012, 02:01 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 20-10-2012, 02:08 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 20-10-2012, 02:31 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 21-10-2012, 02:15 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 22-10-2012, 08:15 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 23-10-2012, 12:37 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 23-10-2012, 01:27 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 24-10-2012, 07:42 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 25-10-2012, 08:46 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 26-10-2012, 09:04 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 26-10-2012, 10:44 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 26-10-2012, 11:32 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 26-10-2012, 10:24 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 26-10-2012, 10:33 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 27-10-2012, 03:32 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 27-10-2012, 04:00 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 27-10-2012, 04:26 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 27-10-2012, 04:44 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 27-10-2012, 05:05 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Charles Drago - 27-10-2012, 05:48 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 28-10-2012, 01:48 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 28-10-2012, 02:39 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 28-10-2012, 02:41 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 28-10-2012, 03:44 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 28-10-2012, 06:10 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 28-10-2012, 06:35 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 28-10-2012, 07:13 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 28-10-2012, 08:04 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 28-10-2012, 08:29 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 28-10-2012, 08:55 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 28-10-2012, 09:21 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 28-10-2012, 09:47 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 29-10-2012, 03:39 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 29-10-2012, 10:18 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 29-10-2012, 11:48 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 30-10-2012, 01:01 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 30-10-2012, 09:04 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 30-10-2012, 09:12 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 30-10-2012, 09:41 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 30-10-2012, 10:25 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 30-10-2012, 11:44 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 30-10-2012, 09:04 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 31-10-2012, 09:07 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 31-10-2012, 09:38 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 31-10-2012, 10:12 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 31-10-2012, 10:28 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 31-10-2012, 11:20 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 01-11-2012, 08:19 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 01-11-2012, 11:36 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 01-11-2012, 12:16 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 01-11-2012, 12:36 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 01-11-2012, 09:32 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 02-11-2012, 07:21 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 03-11-2012, 04:14 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 03-11-2012, 04:28 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 03-11-2012, 04:50 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 03-11-2012, 03:15 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 03-11-2012, 04:34 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 03-11-2012, 11:37 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 04-11-2012, 03:57 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 04-11-2012, 10:33 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 04-11-2012, 12:40 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 04-11-2012, 10:14 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 04-11-2012, 11:17 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 04-11-2012, 11:33 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 05-11-2012, 07:28 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 05-11-2012, 11:40 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 06-11-2012, 12:17 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 06-11-2012, 12:59 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 06-11-2012, 01:06 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 06-11-2012, 11:33 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 06-11-2012, 10:28 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 06-11-2012, 10:28 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 06-11-2012, 10:54 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 06-11-2012, 11:00 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 07-11-2012, 04:48 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 07-11-2012, 04:55 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 07-11-2012, 11:25 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 07-11-2012, 12:28 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 07-11-2012, 01:06 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 07-11-2012, 01:23 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 08-11-2012, 01:07 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 08-11-2012, 01:34 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 08-11-2012, 10:22 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 09-11-2012, 03:00 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 09-11-2012, 01:39 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by LR Trotter - 09-11-2012, 06:28 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 09-11-2012, 10:49 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 10-11-2012, 11:05 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 10-11-2012, 11:32 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 10-11-2012, 11:58 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 10-11-2012, 10:28 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 11-11-2012, 01:28 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 11-11-2012, 02:23 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 11-11-2012, 01:55 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 11-11-2012, 02:08 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 11-11-2012, 02:19 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 11-11-2012, 02:22 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 13-11-2012, 12:13 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by LR Trotter - 14-11-2012, 06:46 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 14-11-2012, 07:59 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 14-11-2012, 11:38 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 14-11-2012, 12:07 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 14-11-2012, 12:38 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 14-11-2012, 12:59 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 15-11-2012, 08:48 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 15-11-2012, 09:07 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 15-11-2012, 09:15 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 16-11-2012, 10:23 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 16-11-2012, 10:33 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 16-11-2012, 10:35 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 17-11-2012, 12:41 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 17-11-2012, 02:47 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 17-11-2012, 03:04 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 17-11-2012, 04:24 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 17-11-2012, 10:24 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 18-11-2012, 08:47 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 18-11-2012, 09:04 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 19-11-2012, 07:30 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 19-11-2012, 07:33 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 19-11-2012, 10:06 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 19-11-2012, 12:01 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 19-11-2012, 10:07 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 20-11-2012, 08:44 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 20-11-2012, 10:27 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 21-11-2012, 08:53 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 21-11-2012, 09:08 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 21-11-2012, 09:36 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 21-11-2012, 10:31 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 22-11-2012, 06:45 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 22-11-2012, 07:02 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 22-11-2012, 07:09 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 22-11-2012, 11:32 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 22-11-2012, 12:06 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 22-11-2012, 12:20 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 24-11-2012, 06:33 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 24-11-2012, 06:45 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 24-11-2012, 06:53 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 25-11-2012, 11:04 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by LR Trotter - 27-11-2012, 01:40 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 27-11-2012, 06:19 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 27-11-2012, 11:03 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by LR Trotter - 30-11-2012, 10:21 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 30-11-2012, 10:26 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by LR Trotter - 04-12-2012, 08:09 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 05-12-2012, 12:37 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 05-12-2012, 05:04 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by LR Trotter - 05-12-2012, 08:05 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 06-12-2012, 02:11 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 06-12-2012, 09:11 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 06-12-2012, 10:43 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by LR Trotter - 09-12-2012, 10:29 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 15-12-2012, 02:52 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 15-12-2012, 03:13 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 16-12-2012, 12:38 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 16-12-2012, 09:31 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 16-12-2012, 09:38 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 16-12-2012, 11:59 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 17-12-2012, 12:08 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 17-12-2012, 08:55 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 17-12-2012, 09:24 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 17-12-2012, 09:43 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 17-12-2012, 09:51 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 17-12-2012, 10:12 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 18-12-2012, 11:53 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 18-12-2012, 09:29 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 18-12-2012, 10:17 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 18-12-2012, 11:43 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 19-12-2012, 05:21 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 19-12-2012, 05:30 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 19-12-2012, 09:40 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 19-12-2012, 09:47 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 19-12-2012, 11:15 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 19-12-2012, 12:33 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 19-12-2012, 01:30 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 19-12-2012, 02:12 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 19-12-2012, 08:35 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 20-12-2012, 12:28 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 20-12-2012, 01:16 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 20-12-2012, 03:03 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 20-12-2012, 03:18 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 20-12-2012, 03:37 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 20-12-2012, 03:48 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 20-12-2012, 03:52 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 20-12-2012, 05:57 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 20-12-2012, 06:11 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 20-12-2012, 06:15 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 20-12-2012, 06:17 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 20-12-2012, 10:31 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 20-12-2012, 11:12 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 21-12-2012, 01:07 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 21-12-2012, 02:57 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 21-12-2012, 08:35 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 21-12-2012, 10:22 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 21-12-2012, 11:37 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 21-12-2012, 12:28 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 21-12-2012, 12:56 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 21-12-2012, 10:11 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 21-12-2012, 10:25 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 21-12-2012, 10:39 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 21-12-2012, 10:50 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 21-12-2012, 11:08 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 21-12-2012, 11:26 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 21-12-2012, 11:45 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 21-12-2012, 11:48 PM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 22-12-2012, 12:08 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 22-12-2012, 12:20 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 22-12-2012, 12:25 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 22-12-2012, 01:15 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 22-12-2012, 02:34 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 22-12-2012, 03:05 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 22-12-2012, 03:17 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 22-12-2012, 03:36 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 22-12-2012, 03:39 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Mark Stapleton - 22-12-2012, 03:58 AM
Michael Piper and Final Judgment - by Phil Dragoo - 22-12-2012, 08:34 PM

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