29-10-2012, 02:43 AM
Mark Stapleton Wrote:David Josephs Wrote:As I posted earlier Mark... it is really not hard to believe that some of those related to Israel were involved yet not due to Dimona, imo. I think if you we in any way part of the COLD WAR contraption and thrived as a result - you were potentially part of this "rearing of their ugly head" only to disappear down the rabbit hole...
That's why when we mere mortals have discussions about planning and procedure of the INTELLIGENCE MACHINE that it's as foreign to most of us as speaking Klingon... and we simply don't know how many layers the onion contains...
David, I just don't understand what you are trying to say. Perhaps you can clarify this.
Sorry for the confusion... it's what I've tried to say all along...
Unless you spent your life devising Cold War tactics of intelligence/counter-intelligence I do not believe it is possible to KNOW what layer of the onion we are looking at... That those involved in Cold War profiteering would have a huge stake in the death of JFK snf could have been part of it either willingly or be association.
A list of these people would surely include Israel'i's, Mafia, CIA, etc, etc.... and they in turn "reared their ugly head" as a cabal, as a group determined to maintain control - KNOWING what the real story is, to me, all based on which layers of the plan were exposed, and why.
From my POV, there is very little exposed that points to the REAL story... the cover-up - per Salandria - was designed to fall apart at the littlest bit of scrutiny... and it does... but which of the exposed stories is closest to the truth...
You're "operation on inoperable cancer" metaphor is perfect.. and there many times that wave of helplessness can cripple a person... but we press on.
That immediately afterward there were those in place to begin CREATING the cover story... imo Brennan & Sawyer were the source of these stories...
that the FBI had the ability to produce evidence of Oswald's THAT WEEKEND to be returned to Dallas suggests foreknowledge.
That's all I meant.. Israel as false sponsor to keep the eyeballs looking in a different direction... as false sponsor story hat carries with it it's own insulation.. and just enough vague truths to snare those willing to accept it.
I hope that answers your question...