01-11-2012, 05:56 PM
Greg Burnham Wrote:My Albert, but you have become so much more astute in your ability to articulate as of late...never mind the aberrant content. I never noticed that you were skilled in applied linguistics
until now as your previous posts [read:all those outside of this thread] fall far short of this newly manifest quality.
Forget it, Greg. "Albert" ignores our observations of "his" inconsistent literary abilities. "He" will not respond to our related queries.
Based on the evidence before us, it is virtually certain that more than one person is using the "Albert Doyle" identity on DPF.
As you know, the identical phenomenon was first noted in the case of the "Colby" entity's posts on EF.
"Albert," "you" and "your" work are now wholly discredited.
Step forward, "Albert," and identify yourself.