05-11-2012, 06:55 PM
Charles Drago Wrote:David Josephs Wrote:Greg Burnham Wrote:Does "Albert Doyle" believe that LBJ was the mastermind of the JFK assassination and that LBJ was Zionism's best American friend and facilitator?
Wait, I thought the Lansky/CIA/Permindex group was the mastermind and the best friend of Zionism in the USA??
In the Deep Politics Model... I simply cannot see how the POTUS can be a sponsor of ANYTHING - in this case.... th approval and direction of the actual sponsors would PLACE a facilitator in the position...
Other than Bush #1 who IMO was part of both crowds... the POTUS is a tool of this cabal... when the TOOL doesn't work, you throw it away and get a new one...
Allowing LBJ to create/conclude Civil rights legislation GUARANTEED social unrest at home while the CFR was dividing up the rest of the globe while shifting the drug sources from French to SE Asia...
my .02
Well argued, David.
And a bargain at twice the price!
I can see the CFR roundtable... members shaking their heads over LBJ antics... fast forward and now we know why/how Bush #2 gets his job as TOOL....
Bush #2: "Three Brazilian soldiers died on the battlefield today. And as you know... a Brazilian is way more than a million....right?"
Stategery in action