10-11-2012, 05:55 PM
Phil Dragoo Wrote:Ruby the Chicago transplant, the go-to guy for drugs in Dallas, the do-it-yourself bouncer with fifteen beatings and the occasional customer thrown down the stairs, the calls cagily made to goodfellas, who admitted his lawyer came up with the "did it for Jackie" schtick, who had his mind drycleaned by Joly West and DeLoach's cousin, was really, really just trying to show the world that Jews have guts.
So if I'm reading this right, we've established that the did it for Jackie was just a legal ruse. So we're right back to why Ruby mentioned his jewishness? It was his words not mine. (I'm not trying to endorse any Stormfront approach. I'm just making a point)
If we analyze Ruby he was assassination figure known to try to speak the truth about what really happened.