21-11-2012, 01:33 PM
David Josephs Wrote:So Albert,
Do you believe Lansky was in the same league as NE/CFR establishment?
Sat at the same tables and broke bread...
Sorry, have to bow out. Other pressing research issues have arisen.
Let me just say you are trying to mix credible eastern establishment Sponsor apples with facilitator oranges there.
Really, you have to crack open Piper and quote to do this right and I don't have time. However I think I've done a good job of showing that even the general information can chase opponents like it did with you and others. Lansky fit a key funding source and political orientation facilitator position that served the interests of the Sponsors. Your questions are damnable because it's obvious they are trying to get around this.
However, where we left off, and you never answered, is that the correct Israeli military funding dropped significantly in the 1964 funding year. Since this was decided under JFK in October 1963 that means it occurred one month before the assassination. Realize what your side is contending is that Angleton, even though Newman shows his Counter Intelligence office to be a controlling entity in the assassination, did not somehow influence Israel regarding this matter even though he was CIA liaison to Israel. Everything fits like a glove yet you return with "Quien es mas macho?" questions over irrelevant sponsors.