22-11-2012, 05:38 PM
Charles Drago Wrote:Jim DiEugenio Wrote:When you see that article, you will understand how the Power ELite in Dallas organized and coaxed this new mayor into doing this along with the Sixth Floor.
But there is some bleed over since The Sixth Floor IS the Power Elite in Dallas.
And they were bound and determined not to let anyone show them up.
Months ago I told several people that from what I could discern, this was their intent. And I also added that in my opinion, even though I am not an attorney, I thought this was clearly an attempt at prior restraint in order to deprive us of our first amendment rights of freedom to assemble and freedom of speech.
Its pretty obvious now that this is what they had in mind for a long time.
In doing this article I discovered that when the Sixth Floor took out the permit, they were really acting with permission and encouragement of City Hall. That is why the extraordinary week long permit was granted. Who the heck ever gets a permit that long?
And as Dawn notes, if we decide to try for a demonstration, we will be violating that permit. And therefore, as with Groden, we can be arrested. And probably will be. As she also notes, the only way out of that is if enough people insist on being arrested. THat could create just what they don't want to see: a massive civil liberties protest.
OTOH, I really don't think this would stand in a court of law since it clearly is aimed at prior restraint. Which is just about an indefensible position.
WHat I think would happen in that case is a settlement could be arranged. THey would give us the plaza for example, the night before for say three hours.
I would probably be willing to accept that at this point.
What else, then, should we be willing to accept from those who would control memory and strip us of our greatest weapon -- truth delivered as dramaturgy?
And what exactly is the JFK Lancer role in all this? To the best of your ability to know, Jim?
We all want to know this. But I do not expect the answer to be forthcoming.