01-12-2012, 08:21 AM
Peter, thank you for posting this fascinating talk by William F. Pepper.
The imperative to terminate King exactly a year from his declared opposition to the war, days after Johnson pleaded, "No mas," two months before Sirhan did not shoot Bobby was without doubt an Act of State.
That Frank Holloman police commissioner was a Hoover insider at FBI, that King was mysteriously moved to the vulnerable balcony location, the creation of Raul and the provision of aliases for Ray, the presence of Marrell McCollough, all these and more are part and parcel of one more black op of the deep security state.
Pepper was working on Sirhan's behalf. Would it be likely for the DSS to release their project before his death: didn't happen with Oswald, Ruby, Ray.
The conspiracy to remove King was not Marcello, nor Army intelligence. Such a decision is made at a higher level and a redundant plan is emplaced.
As there is no release of the Joannides file by this transparent administration there shall be no release of the photography by the spooks on the firehouse roof.
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The imperative to terminate King exactly a year from his declared opposition to the war, days after Johnson pleaded, "No mas," two months before Sirhan did not shoot Bobby was without doubt an Act of State.
That Frank Holloman police commissioner was a Hoover insider at FBI, that King was mysteriously moved to the vulnerable balcony location, the creation of Raul and the provision of aliases for Ray, the presence of Marrell McCollough, all these and more are part and parcel of one more black op of the deep security state.
Pepper was working on Sirhan's behalf. Would it be likely for the DSS to release their project before his death: didn't happen with Oswald, Ruby, Ray.
The conspiracy to remove King was not Marcello, nor Army intelligence. Such a decision is made at a higher level and a redundant plan is emplaced.
As there is no release of the Joannides file by this transparent administration there shall be no release of the photography by the spooks on the firehouse roof.
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