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If You Could Prove Lee Harvey Oswald Was Guilty, You Could Win $25,000!

Our proofs, our truth has never been further than our reach.

When the principal spoke through the intercom to send the thousands of students home for the weekend I'm sure most of us had no doubt of some sense of finality to the solution, no matter the ragged serge, the dangling threads.

Only later did we doubt, and build doubt upon doubt.

Surely they fought kings just as we'd learned there in those halls of learning or re-education, enlightenment or indoctrination--he wasn't guilty: he'd not been tried.

Now we echo Holmes to Watson in The Adventure of the Three Garridebs, "Touch him where I would, he is false."

Yet Hanks the billionaire buffoon and his crotchety pet crank Bugs Leone, insist, "If Oswald didn't shoot Kennedy from that building, then Kennedy was not shot."

In our Orwellian world a "government investigation" uses a myriad of memory holes; it is The Matrix which is as yet perceived as only an entertainment paradigm, not a scale model of the Ministry of Journalism & Justice.

We Snoop, We Blackmail, We Terminate, We Turn Now to Dancing With Fat Trannies and remind you as a public service, face the facial-recognition cameras and do not smile for Utah.

That's why I liked the first of Krusch, he's taking every anomaly and running it back and forth through his hands like a Rosary, a rite of Exorcism.

We're in a trance of the Boring-Burger making using bits of hair from Dealey and a scrap of clothing from a wardrobe malfunction of a Potemkin Culture.

Western Civilization has been hollowed out and, the USC to the contrary notwithstanding, POTUS may now terminate by drone what no jury has found guilty.

In my view the words of Gates to Leahy are a springboard to understanding, "Senator, nations lie to each other; it's how business gets done."

The Warren Commission is not evidence of guilt other than that of the business leaders and their model du jour.

We hold the mimes' tennis ball.

Do we give it back?

Messages In This Thread
If You Could Prove Lee Harvey Oswald Was Guilty, You Could Win $25,000! - by Phil Dragoo - 06-12-2012, 10:22 PM

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