24-01-2013, 11:13 PM
Jim Hackett II Wrote:David Josephs Wrote:Not paperclip. LOL.Jim Hackett II Wrote:First I am convinced I MUST get Mr. Evica's book mentioned. I don't have it.
Second. You Sir have been called a poet, I have to agree, but it is more than any pentameter.
Clear and to the pertinent points with wit and exposure of details some may well have "forgotten".
Thanks a Bunch.
A point you made above is demonstrative of my point. Our Fascism is homegrown, not imported from anywhere else.
Best Regards and keep doing that which you do for our benefit.
often capitalized: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation (DJ: read "corporation") and often race (DJ: read "Class") above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition (DJ: Again, seems to me that the Rothschilds thru Morgan et al imported political fascism via economic warfare in order to create the CFR which in turn IS the dictatorial leader mentioned)
"HOME grown" ??
Seems to me we imported EVERYTHING from Europe including the men who would use fascist doctrine in business and disguise it as capitalism... that those who had power in the US were placed by European interests and served European masters....
Reading thru this I for one would like to understand how we are using the term FASCISM and how, by example, we see this Fascism manifest itself in the US as being "Home Grown"
Dulles could not have imported Gehlen without an implied "approval" of some thing from someone.
That approval wasn't imported from europe or anywhere else.
Fascism found fertile ground here without "imported" crap.
Idiots have come along to prove the point, Dugout Doug MacArthur and Walker and Custer and more
homegrown fascists. Geo. Rockwell.
In any guise Wall Street and the Elite have secretly embraced FASCISM all along. Sorry to burst your "europe did it" bubble, but Governance by dollar, government by corporation or by any other definition Fascism is as american as violence and apple pie and Chevrolet. It has american versions as Gen. Smedley Butler exposed.
You seek to argue. I have no need. The issues are historical fact.
I don't care if you want to argue, I don't play that for meaningless and useless confrontational junk.
Argue with yourself.
The issues are bigger than asking me to define fascism for you.:rofl::rofl:
I thought you did that for yourself above right?
Thanks again
Thanks too. But I don't have the energy or time to give to meaningless confrontational BS.
I really don't care who you like or don't and I never entered a popularity contest, just a truth seeking effort.
History demonstrates that FASCISM existed long before "europe" as a political entity, even before "Babylon" and its banking and trade empire of 2000 bc.
I did not post a comment to argue with anyone Jim... why you need be pre-emptively confrontational, IDK. :nono:
Jim, if FASCISM exited long before Europe and back to 2000BC...
and the Dulles', Morgan's and Rockefeller's were direct pawns of European Money using FASCIST techniques to control commerce and politics...
What exactly is AMERICAN HOME GROWN about any of it?
Sounds to me the concept and the people using it are anything BUT home grown...
but carefully planted, fertilized and cultivated by the same "Wall Street and Elite" (CFR) who first exercised it when they got here from OTHER places.
Jazz and Football are "American Home Grown"
Greed, hatred, fascism, and control existed WELL BEFORE the USA was even discovered....
yet as you say... we are not here to argue... and I only asked for YOUR understanding of Fascism and its manifestation in the US.
That the issues are bigger than my question is no big news Jim.
If discussing your POV and explaining yourself to someone who doesn't necessarily AGREE with you constitutes "meaningless confrontational BS",
so you don't have to put your beliefs and opinions to any test.... so be it.
I wont be bothering with you or your opinions any longer.
Take care