28-02-2013, 09:30 PM
Charles Drago Wrote:Nice find.
Thanks Charles....
And while I may not be a Jack White or Robin Unger or Gerda Dunkel, just to name a few of the very talented people who grace these forums... I've always prided myself on the work I've done with photos and videos... some may agree, some not so much...
Here is my JFK Photobucket account - http://s1233.beta.photobucket.com/user/d...0833268112
I have about 7 gigs of images that I keep handy: original copies, other's work and my own.... and I keep what I need to post via a link there as i need.
It's very nice to be able to use my entire collection and post right from my drive here... a big thank you.
If there is anything I can do to help a member, just ask... I've probably done something similiar already.
Cheers and I hope my images/gifs are helpful
Here, for example, are the two different Oswald's that were probably seen that day