28-05-2013, 02:09 AM
Albert Doyle Wrote:IMO it was more complicated and less coordinated than that. The sponsors knew that an ambush was being organized on the mechanic level. The various sponsors had their own special interests and agendas. The military hawks wanted an excuse for a first strike at the Soviet Union. The bankers and industrialists, wanted the Vietnam escalation and the profits that would ensue. The Anti Castro Cubans and their CIA handlers wanted an invasion of Cuba, the Mob wanted to be rid of Bobby Kennedy. They all had their facilitators make contingency plans for all the possible scenarios that could result from the attempted assassination. Most importantly plausible deniability. Phillips was still trying to push his Castro did it scenario even after the Warren Commission was formed. The Sponsors weren't all on the same page about the goals, and the failure to kill Oswald, forced them to improvise, and let things play out. I don't think there was a unified central plan. As to LBJ; my understanding is that Connolly and the conservative wing of the Texas Democratic Party didn't want a motorcade at all for fear of an embarrassing incident and also because the rank and file who would turn out would make the liberal Kennedy look too popular. The Kennedy people for that very reason wanted a motorcade. The Connolly people wanted the Trade Mart location and the Secret Service and the Kennedy people wanted the Women's Building. The Women's building would have resulted in a motorcade that went west to east through Dealey Plaza and would have gone straight down Main street at a speed that would have precluded an ambush there. A compromise of a motorcade to the Trade Mart that took the motorcade east to west through Dealey Plaza was reached. The person responsible for forging this compromise was Bill Moyers.Adele Edisen Wrote:Who wrote NSAM 273? It is dated Novemebr 21, 1963. John Kennedy didn't write it; he was on an early Air Force I plane headed for San Antonio, Texas. LBJ didn't write it; he wasn't in Washington because he was at his ranch near San Antonio, Texas, getting ready to go the San Antonio Intenational Airport with Ladybird Johnson to greet and welcome the President and his official party to Texas.
Well, it was written by MacGeorge Bundy, Security Adviser to Prsident Kennedy. Appaarently, he had done this all by himself without much input from JFK. He's one of the Bundy boys, William Bundy was his brother, and both had very strong ties to Wall Street. MacGeorge Bundy was the more hawkish one.
After the assassination, Lyndon Johnson had to sign this document. I believe he did it on Tuesday, November 26, 1963. It was a document in opposition to the one Kennedy had written in October, NSAM 263. Yeah, they got their war.
Greg Burnham, you're our NSAM expert. Want to say something here? Hope you're getting better and better. Hugs to you and Julie.
The internal logic being that if NSAM 273 were altered prior to the assassination that therefore there were plans to escalate in VietNam. So if there were pre-meditated plans to make it look like the escalation was the pre-assassination will of the dead president therefore it is reasonable to assume the assassination was not carried-out with the intent of causing WWIII. Do you understand how that works? It isn't logical that the conspirators would be making plans for a VietNam theater showdown with the Communists if they had intended to incite total nuclear war with their Northwoods framing of the Communists. That VietNam showdown would be moot if they were about to launch WWIII. So therefore Johnson wouldn't need to talk them out of anything. NSAM 273 shows VietNam was the goal all along. The WWIII virus was the means of getting the investigators to go along with the cover-up.
This pattern makes it look like the plotters were talked out of the WWIII plan and talked into cooperating with the assassination with the guarantee of VietNam as a concession. Then the assassination went forth with that goal as the plan. A military coup with military justification of the removal of the Commander In Chief.
If we followed out the written will of the Founding Fathers the people would have gone to arms and defended the overthrow of their democracy by this fascist force. We would have gone to armed civil war and retaken the government. The traitors would be ferreted out and summarily executed in a public tribunal just like the Nazis.