04-06-2013, 12:20 AM
Tracy Riddle Wrote:I think that model is extremely speculative, and involves a conspiracy so clever and sophisticated that none of the actual human beings who make up "The Powers That Be" could really hold something like that together.I totally concur. There are many aspects of the conspiracy that appear very crude, and hastily improvised. How could they let Oswald get away and get himself arrested. What kind of planning was that? If Greer doesn't slow to a stop the assassination doesn't happen. The whole autopsy business was hastily arranged, because with Oswald alive there was going to be a trial. Same for the two versions of the Z film. If they had to present it as evidence at a trial they needed a pristine original. Once Oswald was shot they could doctor it. What did Dulles say? "the American people don't read."
I'm a conspiracy realist. I don't believe that the elites are really any smarter than the rest of us; in some cases, they aren't very bright or mentally stable at all. They just have a lot of money and power and connections. The conspiracies and cover-ups they construct are actually rather crude and don't stand up well under examination - but most people don't examine them, and that's the key. If 40% of the the public are watching Corporate Media, and another 40% doesn't watch any news at all, then no story is too ridiculous to sell people who've been brainwashed all their lives by television, Hollywood, consumer culture and advertising. Look how many official versions of JKF's wounds were given to the public between November 1963 and the publishing of the Warren Report. How many people even noticed that? Not many.