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How the FBI got 3 shots right and hid it - cd298 thanks to Weisberg
David, I'm not sure what your point is, but here's what I think happened. There were two groups, and a lot of things went wrong:

* The Plotters
A relatively small (maybe 100 or so) compartmentalized assortment of people, some of whom don't even know they're involved in a plot to kill the President. But the top plotters want to blame Castro and the KGB, not a "lone nut." They want to kill JFK with one shot, not a shooting gallery that wounds other people. They want Oswald to be grabbed and disappear, so they can claim he is hiding in Cuba. They want a war with Cuba and possibly the USSR. I also think the Tippit murder was piggy-backed onto the plot by some low-level people (crooked cops, local mobsters) without authorization from higher up. This is the danger of compartmentalized operations.

* The Cover-Up
A huge group, hardly any of whom are involved in the plot to kill JFK. Motivated by different reasons - to protect America's image abroad, to preserve domestic tranquility and faith in American institutions, and most of all to prevent a nuclear war if the "Castro and KGB did it" meme takes hold. They are the ones who decide on the "lone nut" solution. It takes them almost a year of putting out absurd stories about where JFK's wounds were located and how they were inflicted. The FBI produces CE399 in a water tank in their lab so it will match the Carcano, because the pointed-nosed bullet found at Parkland won't match. On and on the ludicrous cover story is cobbled together, wiping out everything the plotters had wanted people to believe.

Messages In This Thread
How the FBI got 3 shots right and hid it - cd298 thanks to Weisberg - by Tracy Riddle - 04-06-2013, 12:54 AM

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