05-07-2013, 03:18 AM
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Thanks Magda.
I don't see the cover. Did you have a problem posting it?
Anyway, when its up at Amazon, I will link.
Tom Hanks and Bugliosi are going to hate my guts.
Man, the stuff I dug up about them. But its all footnotes, so too bad.
Sounds fascinating. The way cultural products are used
for propaganda to mislead the public in relatively subtle
ways (more subtle than Bugliosi's book) is an important
part of the problems surrounding the case and has been
from the beginning. Propaganda is all the more effective
when it doesn't seem like propaganda. Oliver Stone's JFK was
a clear work of agitprop and had a major impact
on public perception and on releasing documents even
though the mainstream media viciously attacked him. This
film PARKLAND seems to offer an opportunity to study the other
side of the coin. By the way, Emilio Estevez's BOBBY was
a real missed opportunity. It seems basically uninterested
in the actual case and is a sub-Altmanesque soap opera
about peripheral characters, poorly written and directed.