28-07-2013, 02:39 PM
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Actually, Ray went beyond that.
He got me in contact with Mel Goodman.
THey both helped me on the chapter I did on Charlie Wilson's War.
The manuscript is due Monday night by contract. I really wish I had more time, like about two more weeks.
I am about one third into Steve Coll's book, Ghost Wars which makes Crile's book about Charlie Wilson look like "See Spot Run!" re: Afghanistan. The more I read about this, Charlie Wilson was really a Trojan Horse for the Reagan administration. The idea was to get a Democrat out in front to line up his party behind him. And boy did it work. And it resulted in one of the greatest intelligence disasters since the Tet offensive.
But in going through it for copy editing, I am very proud of the book. It really works on many levels and it tries to tie things together from many angles. Its completely unique. In fact, most people have probably never heard of a major character I discuss at length: Chase Brandon. This guy is a very key character who impacts what we all see on TV and the movies.
And wait until you see the guy that Hanks got to write and direct Parkland. Whew.
Anyway, it won't be long now. Hopefully, Hanks or Bugliosi will sue me.
Now that would be one hell of a lawsuit.