30-07-2013, 08:58 PM
I see in 2005 Mike Ruppert called anyone who thought other than suicide in Gary Webb allegedly shooting himself twice in the head "internet trailer park trash"
A friend found Ruppert's relationship with Webb to be sinister, in a word
Hanks is among the bottom feeding scuttlers believing impossible things on the red carpet of celebrity
A certain widow gained 210 million dollars when her second husband shot himself twice in the chest
All part of an investigation which brought a call from Laurence Leamer who laughed at my second-gun-in-the-RFK-assassination
"My friend looked into that and there's nothing to it"
And your friend would be
"Dan Moldea"
Tom Hanks who saved a non-existent Private Ryan
is now piggy-backing on Bugliosi who asserted
A friend found Ruppert's relationship with Webb to be sinister, in a word
Hanks is among the bottom feeding scuttlers believing impossible things on the red carpet of celebrity
A certain widow gained 210 million dollars when her second husband shot himself twice in the chest
All part of an investigation which brought a call from Laurence Leamer who laughed at my second-gun-in-the-RFK-assassination
"My friend looked into that and there's nothing to it"
And your friend would be
"Dan Moldea"
Tom Hanks who saved a non-existent Private Ryan
is now piggy-backing on Bugliosi who asserted
"Only in a fantasy world could Oswald be innocent and still have all this evidence against him.
I think we can put it this way: If Oswald didn't kill Kennedy, then Kennedy wasn't killed on November 22, 1963."
I think we can put it this way: If Oswald didn't kill Kennedy, then Kennedy wasn't killed on November 22, 1963."