07-08-2013, 07:16 AM
August 6, 2013
Dr. Steve Maxner
Vietnam Center
Box 41045
Lubbock, Texas 79409-1045
Dear Dr. Maxner
Jim DiEugenio advises your September 26-28 conference on US involvement in Vietnam in 1963 will proceed with out Dr. John Newman.
As President Kennedy had enacted National Security Action Memorandum 263 withdrawing our advisors with all US personnel out of country end of 1965 and as Newman is singularly responsible for presenting this information, excluding him from a discussion of that issue is revisionist.
Tonkin Gulf and that Kabuki would never have occurred had Kennedy not been killed. That he would have withdrawn is not arguableonly by deniers a la Chomsky et al.
No Camelotian, my poli sci department head Dr. George F. Lipsky a State Department veteran was a domino theorist in my 1965-9 undergraduate period, but all that was of the Eisenhower-LBJ-Nixon schoolKennedy would have none of it, being the post-colonial supporter of nationalism and self-determination, qualities which led to his removal.
Excluding Newman is a needless lingering in the shadow of all the old apologists.
Phil Dragoo
Dr. Steve Maxner
Vietnam Center
Box 41045
Lubbock, Texas 79409-1045
Dear Dr. Maxner
Jim DiEugenio advises your September 26-28 conference on US involvement in Vietnam in 1963 will proceed with out Dr. John Newman.
As President Kennedy had enacted National Security Action Memorandum 263 withdrawing our advisors with all US personnel out of country end of 1965 and as Newman is singularly responsible for presenting this information, excluding him from a discussion of that issue is revisionist.
Tonkin Gulf and that Kabuki would never have occurred had Kennedy not been killed. That he would have withdrawn is not arguableonly by deniers a la Chomsky et al.
No Camelotian, my poli sci department head Dr. George F. Lipsky a State Department veteran was a domino theorist in my 1965-9 undergraduate period, but all that was of the Eisenhower-LBJ-Nixon schoolKennedy would have none of it, being the post-colonial supporter of nationalism and self-determination, qualities which led to his removal.
Excluding Newman is a needless lingering in the shadow of all the old apologists.
Phil Dragoo