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Malcolm Kilduff 1991 interview... some strange things are said that support the FBI model


1) "We were the 3rd car..." Lead, Limo, SS then Malcolm; yet this was NOT the car he was in... he was much further back behind the VP car, VP SS car according to CE768 p.615
It appears that much of what he says here is not HIS WORDS but a composite of "supposed to says" - In reality, the info here confirms the FBI's model, as well as Altgens and Hudson's claim of where the "final" shot hit.

"As I was coming under the TSBD windows we heard the first noise... sounded like a firecracker"

2) "and then the 2nd shot... by that time a SS agent - Hill - had climbed on the limo"

3) "Mrs Kennedy was there helping pull Hill onto the limo" !! (this interview is 11/22/91)

4) "and then the third shot."

5) "by that time the motorcade started to speed up"

Mr. SPECTER. At that time you looked back and saw Special Agent Hill across the trunk of the car, had your automobile accelerated by that time?
Mr. KELLERMAN. Tremendously so; yes.
Mr. SPECTER. Now, to the best of your ability to recollect, exactly when did your automobile first accelerate?
Mr. KELLERMAN. Our car accelerated immediately on the time-at the time--this flurry of shots came into it.
Mr. SPECTER. Would you say the acceleration--
Mr. KELLERMAN. Between the second and third shot.

Mr. SPECTER. When, in relationship to the second shot, did Mrs. Kennedy move out of the rear seat?
Mr. HILL. Just after it.


6) "we all thought this was a FAR RIGHT WING activity"

7) LBJ was cool, he said, "We dont know what kind of Communist conspiracy this could be"

8) "Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone" (sorry, got nauseous and turned it off)


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Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

Kilduff in '63 was killer.

Kilduff in '91 was a lisping eunuch.

Phil Dragoo Wrote:David

Kilduff in '63 was killer.

Kilduff in '91 was a lisping eunuch.

Hey there Phil...

Yes... yet in '91 he is one with a story that should have been cleansed and wasn't....

He got the location of the patsy, just not the activites related to the shots and Clint Hill.

Now... if these men are correct, and the limo leaves after the "2nd" shot...." - the official story HAS to be the third shot missed... #1 the SBT shot, #2 &#3(flurry) at Z313, and yet more shots right after...
but the FBI et al had already determined that Z313 was the last shot... and nothing to see here after Z341..

RIGHT where this "third" shot would have been hitting ???... Tague? Connally?

So they screwed themselves with this model and the FACT that the last shot has to be the head shot... although they dont come out and say it.

Any ideas why not?

[size=12]The wide range of possibilities and the existence of conflicting
testimony, when coupled with the impossibility of scientific verification,
precludes a conclusive finding by the Commission as to which
shot missed.

Zapruder/Nix/Muchmore/Moorman... how day do dat?
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
November 23, 1999 (Dallas Morning News):
For the last 36 years, former White House spokesman Malcolm Kilduff has heard practically every conspiracy theory about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. No matter how plausible they may sound, though, he doesn't buy any of them, he said. His reason is simple. "I was there," Mr. Kilduff said Monday. "They weren't." Mr. Kilduff, 72, was the acting White House press secretary on Nov. 22, 1963, the day Kennedy was mortally wounded as he rode in a motorcade through downtown Dallas. Mr. Kilduff was riding two cars behind the president when the fatal shots were fired from the Texas School Book Depository building. He now lives in Kentucky, but on Monday - the 36th anniversary of the assassination - he was back in town to join a panel discussion on the events surrounding the slaying. Earlier Monday, in an interview at The Sixth Floor Museum, Mr. Kilduff said he has long since gotten over the emotionalism of the time and many other circumstances surrounding the president's death. He wishes others could do the same, he said. "The biggest misconception out there is that it was a massive conspiracy ... to hide the facts," Mr. Kilduff said. "I think the simplicity of the assassination is what boggles the mind. "People just don't want to believe that you can assassinate the president of the United States that easily." When the shots were fired, Mr. Kilduff said, the car he was riding in was directly under the sixth-floor window where Lee Harvey Oswald had been. "I immediately turned and looked up," he said. "There is no doubt in my mind that's where all the shots came from." Mr. Kilduff admitted, though, that at the time of the shooting he didn't believe the president had been wounded. Only when the president's traveling party arrived at Parkland Memorial Hospital and Mr. Kilduff "saw his condition" did he realize the seriousness of the situation. Even later, after being officially informed of Kennedy's death, "my mind still did not comprehend it." Mr. Kilduff was acting press secretary on the Texas trip because Kennedy's regular press secretary, Pierre Salinger, was flying to Japan. It was Mr. Kilduff who unwittingly informed Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson that he was to become president when he went to speak to him in a Parkland room. "I didn't know what to call him," Mr. Kilduff said. "I sure as hell wasn't about to call him Lyndon. So when I said President Johnson,' Lady Bird let out a shriek. "Nobody had bothered to tell the poor man" that Kennedy was dead. He said Johnson was "as cool as a cucumber" and calmly asked what the next step was. Assistant U.S. Attorney Barefoot Sanders, who later became a federal judge, looked for U.S. District Judge Sarah Hughes to administer the presidential oath of office. That was ironic, Mr. Kilduff said, because Johnson had opposed her confirmation when he was a U.S. senator from Texas. With security still the top concern, Mr. Kilduff said, his announcement of Kennedy's death to the public was delayed about 30 minutes until the new president was safely on board the presidential jet. "I waited until I got the signal," Mr. Kilduff said. "Then when I got the call that Volunteer - that was Johnson's code name - was back aboard Angel - the code name for ... [the presidential jet] - I went ahead and made the announcement to the press." Mr. Kilduff stayed with the Johnson administration until 1965, when he went into public relations. He said he harbors no bitterness or ill feelings toward Dallas about the assassination, nor does he have nightmares about the tragedy. In fact, he said, he believes there has been "too much fuss" made about the events surrounding that day - and Kennedy's entire administration. "People can't let it go because he was young and had a beautiful wife," Mr. Kilduff said. "It's been over-romanticized a bit. Nobody was more of a realist than John Kennedy." Six floors below where Mr. Kilduff spoke, a mixed crowd of schoolchildren, tourists and interested locals milled around Dealey Plaza, the site of the assassination.
4/17/1991 Kilduff was interviewed by H.E. Livingstone:

Q: At the press conference at Parkland you pointed your finger at the right temple area.
A: I was wrong at that time, because it wasn't until I went downstairs right after that and the doctors told me. But when I saw him downstairs it was clearly in the left side of his head.
Q: Was missing?
A: Yeah.
Q: When you say left side of the head, you mean forward of the left ear?
A: Yeah....when you look at the Zapruder film, it shows him grabbing his throat first, pitching forward, his hands grabbing his throat, right? Okay, now, that bullet, to my mind and for all the evidence presented so far, shows that that bullet went into the back of his head [sic?] and came out just above his tie, because of the marks on his tie and on his shirt.
Q: Those marks were scissor marks, when they cut off his tie
A: I'm talking about blood, and also that oblong-shaped hole that was in the front of his neck....I immediately turn around and I look up. What am I looking at? I am looking at the window of the School Book Depository ...Because to me that is where the shots are coming from.
Q: Do you accept the Warren Commission findings?
A: With one exception. I do not accept the so-called 'Magic' Bullet Theory...I have been swimming with Connally in the pool at the White House, and I saw a clean scar in his back, also it did not tumble much as it exited his right chest...It was a very short period of time between the second and third shot.
Q: All of the medical witnesses state that there was no damage whatsoever to the face.
A: I don't understand how they could possibly say that when the left part of his forehead looked like - when I got over to the car - looked like two pounds of ground beef."
Q: The left part of the forehead?
A: The left part of his forehead.
Q: And there was no damage to the eye at all?
A: Oh, you couldn't even tell, there was so much blood and gore. They found that piece of the skull, over by the curb...Also, if you take those frames from Zapruder, there is something definitely entering his head ahead of his head. It looks like an explosion..But that clearly is going forward and it's not coming out of the back....The blow-out was in the left front. The Zapruder film shows that. Frames 313,314,315....The bullet came in on the right side and exited the left side.
Q: Well, all the medical testimony...was that the back of the head was missing.
A: The back of the head?!
He recalled that Sen. Yarborough was hysterical at Parkland hospital. When Livingstone pointed out that shooting at the car while it was on Houston would have been better, Kilduff said:
A: No, he wouldn't have. He had the windshield in the way....of course, you have to get into the theory also that he wasn't really after Kennedy, that he was actually after Connally because of his had discharged from the Marine Corps, and Connally had been Secretary of the Navy...this would have been more dramatic [than shooting him at some other time]...I've been saying that for years. And I've talked to John Connally about it. And John feels the same way. He had reason to shoot Connally, and he didn't have a motive to shoot Kennedy...In the Zapruder film, also, where are the Secret Service agents looking? They are all turning around, looking over their right shoulders and in that window. Every single one of them. Not just one, not two...Blakey called me over one day and asked me, 'What we'd like from you is what evidence you can give us that would help up substantiate or help us prove a conspiracy theory.'

Do you feel his mentioning the LEFT repeated may still mean "as I am looking at him" as opposed to the anatomical left side of JFK?

Furthermore... how, by 1991 does he not know what his "government" was telling everyone...

He just seems a scared, little man trying to tow the company line... and botching the job terribly.

"A: Yeah....when you look at the Zapruder film, it shows him grabbing his throat first, pitching forward, his hands grabbing his throat, right? Okay, now, that bullet, to my mind and for all the evidence presented so far, shows that that bullet went into the back of his head [sic?] and came out just above his tie, because of the marks on his tie and on his shirt."

Q: Well, all the medical testimony...was that the back of the head was missing.
A: The back of the head?!


But the real question here is still the FBI model and how it was created from what appears to be these men's testimonies....
The model is EXACTLY how Kellerman, Hill, Altgens and Hudson... along with a number of the SS agents in the Queen Mary, remember it.

Check out CD3, the SS report...
this is Hickey's report...

He claims that right after the turn onto Elm and down the slope "After a short distance I heard a loud report which sounded like a firecracker. It appeared to come from the right and rear and seemed to me to be at ground level. I stood up and looked to my right rear in an attempt to identify it"


He does indeed finally look right by the Altgens photo... but completely removes the above action and reason for looking LEFT and DOWN from his report...

And we are all aware that SS agents are NOT supposed to be concerned with the source of danger but the protection of their assignment.
"I still was not certain from which direction the SECOND SHOT came, but my reaction at this time was that the shot came from somewhere towards the front, right-hand side of the road"

This CD, 107, 298, 5... offer amazingly valuable insight and detail conveniently left out of the report and 26 volumes

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Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Yes, I think he got his right and left confused.

As Vince Palamara points out, Kilduff was only in Dallas because Pierre Salinger and Andy Hatcher were not available.
It just goes to show that you don't have to be too smart to get into politics. You apparently don't need to know your left from your right, or be able to understand that to dismiss the SBT is to accept a conspiracy. Frankly I don't understand the concern over which of the 3 shorts happened when. There were obviously more than 3 shots,. Many more. At least 3, probably 4 struck Kennedy, 1 more, likely two, struck Connolly, and one known miss, with at least 3 more probable missed shots. The fact that most heard three just indicates to me that all but one shooter was using a suppressor.
Gordon Gray Wrote:It just goes to show that you don't have to be too smart to get into politics. You apparently don't need to know your left from your right, or be able to understand that to dismiss the SBT is to accept a conspiracy. Frankly I don't understand the concern over which of the 3 shorts happened when. There were obviously more than 3 shots,. Many more. At least 3, probably 4 struck Kennedy, 1 more, likely two, struck Connolly, and one known miss, with at least 3 more probable missed shots. The fact that most heard three just indicates to me that all but one shooter was using a suppressor.

Another option for the sound being of 3-4 shots was the possbility that, connected by Collins radios, a "FIRE" command was given and 3 shooters fired at virtually the same time.
Sounds like 1 shot yet produces things like.. manhole cover, chrome strip, windshield, sparks on Elm, Flurry of shots, etc...

A supressor - ala Werbel - would reduce the sound but not remove it.... and still only means a single shot... I believe we KNOW there were shots from at least 3 directions.

The focus of the thread is the ongoing exposure to supporting evidence for the accuracy of the FBI model and a final shot 307 feet down Elm... at 4+95, directly in front of Altgens.
That model would only ever have 3 shots - while ignoring Tague and the other bullet marks entirely - the FBI explanation...

So I have to ask again and bring the topic full circle

From what source information do you think the FBI concluded the final shot - which also hit its target according to the FBI - was 40 feet past z313?
Since they did not have this testimony prior to their creating the model...

Mr. SPECTER. At that time you looked back and saw Special Agent Hill across the trunk of the car, had your automobile accelerated by that time?
Mr. KELLERMAN. Tremendously so; yes.
Mr. SPECTER. Now, to the best of your ability to recollect, exactly when did your automobile first accelerate?
Mr. KELLERMAN. Our car accelerated immediately on the time-at the time--this flurry of shots came into it.
Mr. SPECTER. Would you say the acceleration--
Mr. KELLERMAN. [B]Between the second and third shot

Mr. SPECTER. When, in relationship to the second shot, did Mrs. Kennedy move out of the rear seat?
Mr. HILL. Just after it.

Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

You base conclusions on Kellerman?

He stopped the car.

He heard Kennedy giving directions to Parkland.

He and his crew planned the route, stayed put during the volleys, stole the body, washed the limo, ran security at the autopsy.

We have a Kilduff who clearly repeated the Perry-McClellan description. A Secret Service agent badgered Perry that night--and the same Elmer Moore called JFK a traitor.

Now this Detail book is a CYA--and how about Clint Hill's thumbs-up.

Bolden got these guys' number.

Now, why would there be a shot after 313 if the head's hit a guardrail that's Roto-Rootered the right hemisphere.

CollinsNet: "That's a wrap. Thanks, everyone."

Roll credits:

WerBell Industries Where Silence Is Golden

Technical Assistance by Gordon Novel

Kilduff in '63 was killer; by '91 his brain is pickled, he's put a strain on his heart with the weight and the threats.

Same threats that made Perry putty in Specter's and Dulles' hands at the Commission.

After 313 she's got a piece from the deck--then along comes Clint Hill the Bozo to lock the barn.

What would be the target after 313.

And that's a good shot of yours, the gif showing the agent looking at the pavement where the Dal-Tex shot hit per Robert Harris' many threads and youtubes on the topic.

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