07-08-2013, 02:38 PM
Rob Caprio Wrote:Duncan MacRae Wrote:Rob Caprio Wrote:***Note--I would like to post this series I was doing on JFKAssassinationForum before I was banned for life for telling the truth.
Just so as the good members of DPF know, and because I know you wouldn't want to start here by conveying an out and out lie, and for the record, YOU ARE NOT BANNED FOR LIFE ---Repeat --- YOU ARE NOT BANNED FOR LIFE.
Your posting privileges were suspended for 28 days for repeatedly ignoring previous warnings, that's warnings plural, to not accuse fellow members of posting on the JFK Assassination Forum elsewhere via use of an alias.
You chose to ignore the warnings, you pay the consequences.
That is all I have to say on the matter. If you wish to leave the forum permanently, just let me know.
Carry on!!
Duncan MacRae
I'm glad you are here Duncan and I'm glad you replied so I can tell my side of the story. YOU did NOT give me an explanation beyond saying I had been warned before. YOUR message also did NOT say I was ONLY banned for 28 days so how was I suppose to know this? Furthermore, this is quite excessive in my opinion since I have NOT been banned at all before and the normal standard FIRST BAN is for two weeks (that is your history with banning folks), so why am I being banned for 28 days?
Your comment of accusing others of posting on "other forums" under aliases is ridiculous since you are ONLY responsible for YOUR forum. My comment was about ACJ and what Paul May has done there. I NEVER said he was doing it on your forum. As for it being an "accusation" that is preposterous since he has admitted to using MANY ALIASES ON ACJ himself! So, when I said he has used aliased on ACJ I was TELLING THE TRUTH since he has admitted it! That is far from being an "accusation" as you claim. I think we see who is confused here Duncan (I won't say you are lying as you have many things to do beyond keeping track of this kind of stuff) and it is NOT me. I SIMPLY STATED THE TRUTH based on what Paul May has said to me in the past. YOUR warnings to me in the past were about accusing folks of using aliases on YOUR board, you never said, nor should you be policing, other boards.
What warning did I ignore? Why are you so protective of Paul May? YOU respond to things said to him in a flash, but his nasty comments draw no attention from you? WHY? When I first got there I was told you were a WC defender, but as you know I have always said you were fair to both sides, but that either changed about a year ago or you began to show your true side. Only you know the truth.
I am called many nasty things on your board Duncan and YOU have never taken action on my behalf like this. All I get is the same old stuff about having to let you know about it.
I do not wish to leave the forum permanently, but as you can see I am not going to spend all my time on it anymore. There are other boards and I have heard good things about this one. YOU can ban me for 28 days, but I think that is harsh based on the facts of the issue.
Also, you should give the person a chance to give their side instead of shutting them off with no way of asking anything as you did to me. Again, I assumed it was for good since your simple message gave NO time period.
Thanks for your reply.
OK guys. Please take your personal issues off the forum. DPF is NOT the place to settle past arguments from another fourm.