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Statements That Sink The WC's Conclusions -- #1
There are no active members here who believe in the WC nor official lies about 11/22/63. I think it behooves the flurry of new members to familiarize themselves with this Forum and those who have been here many years. While an argument against the WC is not a problem, as is stated above, it is very much preaching to the choir. In fact, while 'fans' of the WC may lurk or look here, they can not post - as they'd soon be removed. This is WC-free zone; magic-bullet free zone; lone-nut free zone; Oswald did it free zone. Etc. Welcome. Pirate

New members who ONLY are interested in the JFK Assassination, while welcome, will notice that most here have a broader interest in exposing the underlying structures that caused: Dallas, various wars, assassinations, covert operations, bankster actions, the growing police-state, the cancelling of our rights and liberties, false-flag operations up the yazoo, 9-11, and just about everything we see these days - and applying past incidents to current events, and vice-versa. [i.e. how the JFK assassination informs on what had happened prior; has happened since; and what is happening today - as well as the 'details' and 'players' of the events, themselves]. We all, I'm sure, are aware of how very important the JFK assassination was and is still. But, I personally, like to put it in context as much as possible - as it was but one [very important] of many similar operations that occurred before and since - by the same general forces and for the same general reasons. IMO.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Paul May is a wonderful person who never told a lie in his life.

How could you say something like that about him.

Plus he is so fair minded and objective about the case and evidence.

That is why I call him St, Paul.

I find your paragraph of setting the table reflects my own appreciation of context continually refined here at the Deep Politics Forum:

New members who ONLY are interested in the JFK Assassination, while welcome, will notice that most here have a broader interest in exposing the underlying structures that caused: Dallas, various wars, assassinations, covert operations, bankster actions, the growing police-state, the cancelling of our rights and liberties, false-flag operations up the yazoo, 9-11, and just about everything we see these days - and applying past incidents to current events, and vice-versa. [i.e. how the JFK assassination informs on what had happened prior; has happened since; and what is happening today - as well as the 'details' and 'players' of the events, themselves]. We all, I'm sure, are aware of how very important the JFK assassination was and is still. But, I personally, like to put it in context as much as possible - as it was but one [very important] of many similar operations that occurred before and since - by the same general forces and for the same general reasons. IMO.

Fify years ago November 22 a Friday our principal Ralph Clevenger a former sports coach advised the president had been shot, was dead, buses would take us home for the weekend where I would see live Rubenstein perform his duty to the labyrinthine security state, now in its hundredth year in the Century of the Fed.

What Lane and Meagher began Gerald McKnight has refined while Sibel Edmonds advises that little Dulles who thought he was a god also gave birth to Gladio with its strategy of tension apparent in the ever most recent theater or school or sporting event "terrorism"

With Unspeakable is seen the toxic fog surrounding the 35th president which wasn't used to having its machinations thwarted and hasn't so suffered since

What an exciting age, with history rewritten at every moment--as soon as we discover the truth, the Great Extruder emits a security patch with a whirr and ting

DPF is a continuing education, a forum for Mycroft Holmes' skills and knowledge base to find the common thread in disparate events

Coincidence is an undertaken unfinished

Shots didn't "ring out" in the

Murder of the Century

The gun was loaded before the Great War and its smoke still brings the mavericks to heel
Phil Dragoo Wrote:The gun was loaded before the Great War and its smoke still brings the mavericks to heel

The gun was loaded before there were guns.

When Menes went to harvest. When Hassan-i Sabbah convened his master class. Cum dies de Gracchis Numerati sunt et literatum.

To be content to comment on this is to perpetuate it.
David Josephs Wrote:It's good to see you here Rob, yet your series about sinking the WC conclusions is WAY beyond preaching to the choir here....

There are few if any WCR apologists here.... I'm a friend and supporter of your posting and contributions Rob... but I am sure you will be met with great amounts of silence here if you feel it your duty to ONCE AGAIN lay out the WCR shortcomings and explain it to us as if we were the same bunch of bewildered sheep hunting and pecking on that other Forum. (Giving it it's due... the imagery analysis and reconstruction accomplished on that Forum is at times simply amazing. The work of Chris Davidson from the initial work of Tom Purvis has helped me understand how the Zfilm and other films were manipulated and are able to sync)

The Cointelpro techniques utilized by a handful of LNer posters on that forum is so obvious as to be absurd.
The vigilance against and awareness of those that only disrupt... or come with an obvious agenda based on these techniques are simply not tolerated here.... and it's a welcome sanctuary.

There's disagreement here for sure.... but not over whether the WCR was the POS it was... or the HSCA and other related attempts to cover-up were what they are....

So I'd suggest Rob, that you take a little time and acquaint yourself with the key players here, their POV's and their styles.
They have helped me see past the minutia (ala Salandria) and concentrate on the details of the cover-up/conspiracy as opposed to the daunting task of piecing together a 1000 puzzle from a barrel of 100,000 pieces... not knowing if ANY of the Original 1000 pieces from the puzzle are even there.

Who created the 1000 piece puzzle....
who removed/replaced the actual pieces with those we have now... and
who added the other 90,000 pieces to hide what was left of the 1000.... ?

.... and then. Who told them to do it, when and how.

The enjoyment of reading threads here is unmatched anywhere....
IMO, your contributions will be viewed and commented upon as long as it's not about that which is so painfully obvious.

Based on the evidence Rob, we both know that CE399 came into being in the office of Director Rowley... ARRB's MD149 states that Johnson brought CE399 to "BULAB" (FBI/Frazier)... yet the puzzle pieces tell us that Todd got it from Rowley and brought it to Frazier...(MD149 surfaces 35 years later) The telex reiterates the shallow, non-transiting back wound where a bullet falls out of the wound. We KNOW this. But this CAN'T be CE399...

The real question is WHO shot the bullet into water, WHEN, and how did it get to Rowley to give to Todd...... all evidence of advanced planning. With CE399 in the record and no other contrary evidence... the FACILITATORS got what they wanted... evidence in the record tying the rifle to Oswald and the bullet to the rifle.

Authenticating the details of this, or any other theory, is what makes this forum so special IMO....



Thank you for your advice and feedback. I do this series for several reasons. One of the reasons is to consolidate the evidence into one place-the post I am doing-so I can refer to it quickly and easily and repost it if need be.

Secondly, being a CTer does not mean we know everything about this case. I have studied this case for nearly twenty-five years and I don't know it all so I thought this series could help newer people to this case. Furthermore, even veteran CTers can be less knowledgeable about some areas of this case and perhaps this series can help them there.

If no one wants me to post these then I won't, but I do not see many of the topics I have covered discussed at all so I would hope these could start a conversation about those topics. I have studied the big picture for years and I think I have a good idea of the layers involved and who was involved, but to just blurt out names would be the same as what the WC did since I can't support it with proof.

I have found doing this series has opened up many new ways to view the assassination for me, and perhaps it will do this for others. It is up to the board to decide this, but one can never truly go forward without learning the WC evidence fully and I am attempting to do this in my series. I am learning things I have missed in all my years of study.

I will continue to do it, but I won't post it if no one is interested. I feel a big part of our posts should educate people with less knowledge, thus, they are not meant for folks like you in most cases.


Jan Klimkowski Wrote:DPF members - I've merged all the threads entitled "Statements that sink the Warren Commission", already numbered up to #172, into one thread.

Rob - please keep these posts and any new such statements in one thread.

Multiple threads are akin to spam. Thanking you in advance.

Will do, but it seems these posts are not being received well so I will probably not post any more until I learn the climate better.

I understand a lot about the big picture so I can see what others know to enlarge my knowledge base.
Rob Caprio Wrote:
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Rob:

Paul May is a wonderful person who never told a lie in his life.

How could you say something like that about him.

Plus he is so fair minded and objective about the case and evidence.

That is why I call him St, Paul.


All I did was say what Paul May has admitted to--using fake names to post under. Duncan seems rather sensitive aboutthe matter too despite saying he allowed folks to do this. It really is not important, but I think banning me for a month for telling the truth is silly. Why does Duncan not want this discussed?


I was being sarcastic. Paul May is kind of like a David Von Pein, except he is even more irrational than Von Pein. If that is possible. Many people thought it was not.

But the first two points you brought up here are fine with me. The idea that Finck did not think the SBT was possible, or the hole in the back of JFK's head. They definitely sink the WC.

And the WC knew it.
Dear Duncan. Please do your forum admin on your forum or use the PM function here and do it in private. I deleted your post as it was off topic to the thread.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Rob Caprio Wrote:
Duncan MacRae Wrote:
Rob Caprio Wrote:***Note--I would like to post this series I was doing on JFKAssassinationForum before I was banned for life for telling the truth.

Just so as the good members of DPF know, and because I know you wouldn't want to start here by conveying an out and out lie, and for the record, YOU ARE NOT BANNED FOR LIFE ---Repeat --- YOU ARE NOT BANNED FOR LIFE.

Your posting privileges were suspended for 28 days for repeatedly ignoring previous warnings, that's warnings plural, to not accuse fellow members of posting on the JFK Assassination Forum elsewhere via use of an alias.

You chose to ignore the warnings, you pay the consequences.

That is all I have to say on the matter. If you wish to leave the forum permanently, just let me know.

Carry on!!

Duncan MacRae

I'm glad you are here Duncan and I'm glad you replied so I can tell my side of the story. YOU did NOT give me an explanation beyond saying I had been warned before. YOUR message also did NOT say I was ONLY banned for 28 days so how was I suppose to know this? Furthermore, this is quite excessive in my opinion since I have NOT been banned at all before and the normal standard FIRST BAN is for two weeks (that is your history with banning folks), so why am I being banned for 28 days?

Your comment of accusing others of posting on "other forums" under aliases is ridiculous since you are ONLY responsible for YOUR forum. My comment was about ACJ and what Paul May has done there. I NEVER said he was doing it on your forum. As for it being an "accusation" that is preposterous since he has admitted to using MANY ALIASES ON ACJ himself! So, when I said he has used aliased on ACJ I was TELLING THE TRUTH since he has admitted it! That is far from being an "accusation" as you claim. I think we see who is confused here Duncan (I won't say you are lying as you have many things to do beyond keeping track of this kind of stuff) and it is NOT me. I SIMPLY STATED THE TRUTH based on what Paul May has said to me in the past. YOUR warnings to me in the past were about accusing folks of using aliases on YOUR board, you never said, nor should you be policing, other boards.

What warning did I ignore? Why are you so protective of Paul May? YOU respond to things said to him in a flash, but his nasty comments draw no attention from you? WHY? When I first got there I was told you were a WC defender, but as you know I have always said you were fair to both sides, but that either changed about a year ago or you began to show your true side. Only you know the truth.

I am called many nasty things on your board Duncan and YOU have never taken action on my behalf like this. All I get is the same old stuff about having to let you know about it.

I do not wish to leave the forum permanently, but as you can see I am not going to spend all my time on it anymore. There are other boards and I have heard good things about this one. YOU can ban me for 28 days, but I think that is harsh based on the facts of the issue.

Also, you should give the person a chance to give their side instead of shutting them off with no way of asking anything as you did to me. Again, I assumed it was for good since your simple message gave NO time period.

Thanks for your reply.


OK guys. Please take your personal issues off the forum. DPF is NOT the place to settle past arguments from another fourm.

Magda Hassan Wrote:Dear Duncan. Please do your forum admin on your forum or use the PM function here and do it in private. I deleted your post as it was off topic to the thread.
Opps I see Magda beat me to it. Next time I will read the entire thread before I post.


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