09-08-2013, 08:38 PM
James Douglass went into a meditative state to produce four hundred pages of lyric epic resting on one hundred of fascinating end notes.
He has had a similar evangelic effect to that of Oliver Stone in 1991--who was SO denounced as a heretic and enemy of the state.
Your animus toward Groden indicates you see a willful enemy of the truth.
You then make the Zapruder Creed the touchstone of orthodoxy.
Believe in it at the risk of one's mortal soul.
I agree with you that the Castle-on-Langley is deviousness incarnate but hold Groden innocent of the charge.
And Armstrong?
You say there isn't enough bandwidth to monitor his "silly" research and still run the autonomic pursuit for justice.
He is a threat you say
Is he a greater threat than Dunkel's Ministry of Truth and its cable cabal
Is he a greater threat than legions of Peter Jennings-type spooky "journalists"
I vote we don't give John Armstrong electroshock therapy and thorazine
Barry Ernest faked the Frankenstein monster cop telling Groden to back off the grass?
Angleton saw things, or would have us believe he saw things.
But then he near death styled himself among the world's great liars bound for hell.
James Douglass went into a meditative state to produce four hundred pages of lyric epic resting on one hundred of fascinating end notes.
He has had a similar evangelic effect to that of Oliver Stone in 1991--who was SO denounced as a heretic and enemy of the state.
Your animus toward Groden indicates you see a willful enemy of the truth.
You then make the Zapruder Creed the touchstone of orthodoxy.
Believe in it at the risk of one's mortal soul.
I agree with you that the Castle-on-Langley is deviousness incarnate but hold Groden innocent of the charge.
And Armstrong?
You say there isn't enough bandwidth to monitor his "silly" research and still run the autonomic pursuit for justice.
He is a threat you say
Is he a greater threat than Dunkel's Ministry of Truth and its cable cabal
Is he a greater threat than legions of Peter Jennings-type spooky "journalists"
I vote we don't give John Armstrong electroshock therapy and thorazine
Barry Ernest faked the Frankenstein monster cop telling Groden to back off the grass?
Angleton saw things, or would have us believe he saw things.
But then he near death styled himself among the world's great liars bound for hell.