26-08-2013, 04:53 AM
Marlene Zenker Wrote:Another question is how many other Harvey/Lee like pairs have there been and what operations have they been a part of? I shudder to think.
Wish there were some answers here, but much of this is no doubt hard to find. If memory serves, John Armstrong had a story about top-level Cuban intelligence officers who were identical twins, but I can't find it at the moment. A quick Google search reveals few details about spy twins engaged in terrible mayhem. Harvey and Lee were hardly identical twins, though, and the appropriate search terms are a bit elusive.
Here is a story about identical twins from Tasmania who were WWII spies: (The Aussie link may be a bit slow, but it's worked three times for me.)
Identical twins Don, left, and Peter Field were members of an elite, ultra-secret
team dropped behind enemy lines in New Guinea during WWII
Identical twins Don, left, and Peter Field were members of an elite, ultra-secret
team dropped behind enemy lines in New Guinea during WWII
Anyone else?