06-06-2009, 03:47 AM
As a newbie here, as well as for other reasons, I am out of my league when it comes to discussion of the Dealey Plaza events. I gave up following the issues, facts and controversies after a deep foray of reading the early work a long time ago followed by a more intense burst about 15 years ago in reading the vast amount of material that came out in a second wave (probably coincident with the Congressional investigation). Since then, I've watched the game. Of course, I am long convinced Oswald didn't act alone etc etc ... and have had a good laugh or two (as well as moments of anger) when the latest roll-out in the cover-up gets test-driven in the media, the publishing world, etc.
So, here's the question about which I've been challenged in the past..
there was a release some time ago of a memo purportedly from the CIA written days after the event as an instruction on how to spin or apply the rinsing agent of disinformation. [I could probably go back and find it somewhere, but I expect the veterans here know what I am talking about.]
I have been told it was a hoax or a forgery. In the days of Niger yellowcake stories, Photo-shopping, et al, it is possible, even by the amateurs.
So was the memo real?
What's fascinating, of course, is how the story of 11/22/63 is full of forgeries, phto-shopping, evidence-tampering, etc. Like other similar events (9/11 comes to mind, obviously), it is instructive and an indictment in and of itself if "someone" has to go to a lot of trouble doing all those forgeries, tamperings, and tamperings... It's a red flag, and the same red flags show up in other events in similar ways, which would lead one to think that.... well, um, er ...
So, here's the question about which I've been challenged in the past..
there was a release some time ago of a memo purportedly from the CIA written days after the event as an instruction on how to spin or apply the rinsing agent of disinformation. [I could probably go back and find it somewhere, but I expect the veterans here know what I am talking about.]
I have been told it was a hoax or a forgery. In the days of Niger yellowcake stories, Photo-shopping, et al, it is possible, even by the amateurs.
So was the memo real?
What's fascinating, of course, is how the story of 11/22/63 is full of forgeries, phto-shopping, evidence-tampering, etc. Like other similar events (9/11 comes to mind, obviously), it is instructive and an indictment in and of itself if "someone" has to go to a lot of trouble doing all those forgeries, tamperings, and tamperings... It's a red flag, and the same red flags show up in other events in similar ways, which would lead one to think that.... well, um, er ...
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"