18-09-2013, 10:09 PM
Hi, Greg. Nice to hear from you. Hope you haven't been facing too many urban riots over the years.
For the other fellow who asked about Ekdahl's height, here's how John Pic described his step-father to the WC:
For the other fellow who asked about Ekdahl's height, here's how John Pic described his step-father to the WC:
Mr. JENNER - So you were removed in June or May 1944, and the record shows in June. Describe Mr. Ekdahl, please, to the extent you now have a recollection?
Mr. PIC - He was--
Mr. JENNER - Who was he? Who did you understand he was?
Mr. PIC - He was an electrical engineer. His home was in Boston, Mass., somewhere around there. He was described to us as a Yankee, of course. Rather tall, I think he was over 6 feet. He had white hair, wore glasses, very nice man.