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The KEY to unlocking the 'official lie' of 9-11-01 is there was TOO MUCH ENERGY INVOLVED!
While there are MANY valid ways that have been [and should all be] explored to debunk the official fairytale version of what happened on 9-11-01, to me, the key and most obvious [of many] lies is about how the three towers fell. There was simply too much energy involved - many times more than gravitational potential energy and some puny amount of fires could ever hope to produce the effects we all saw, and are indisputable. All but the steel beams were pulverized to dust - something that takes enormous amounts of energy; many of those beams were shot many hundreds of feet laterally; a pyroclastic cloud was formed that expanded to an enormous size and was universally described as HOT; molten metal was formed and remained hot below ground level for months; the symmetry of the collapses of WTC Towers I and II [along with seen and heard and felt explosionS - and the squibs seen] is suspicious enough - as even symmetrically constructed buildings shouldn't fail symmetrically due to fires that were asymmetrically placed. In fact, they shouldn't have collapsed at all UNLESS there were many symmetrically placed explosive devices! The real kicker is WTC 7, which was rather asymmetrical in construction, yet fell into its own footprint neatly and 'politely'* - a magic feat of physics greater than that of the other two towers [also a magic feat according to the official version].

Add to this the near free-fall speeds of the collapses [no to nearly no resistance]; plus the foreknowledge of the collapses - even two different times the collapse of WTC 7 was broadcast on TV, BEFORE it collapsed! Other individuals have come to be known to have had foreknowledge of the collapses, as well. The Laws of Physics didn't take a break on 9-11 under the influence of Osama bin Laden - no matter that the powers that be would like us to believe this is what happened - though they don't explicitly say so...they imply it absolutely!

IMO, there were definitely pre-planted explosives, most likely nanothermite/-ate.

Now that we learn in the last week that the FBI has warned all Police Dept's Nationwide that they believe that those who harbor doubts about the official version of 9-11 should be considered / can be considered as terrorists in plain sight [their wording, not mine!...see my thread on this], they expose their 'hand', methinks. So, those who believe that the Laws of Physics were immutable on 9-11, and were 'violated' in the official version of events are to be seen as 'terrorists'....well we really have become a newspeak police state where up is down and war is peace.

Game. Set. Match. 9-11 Truth has more than proven its case against the 'official fairytale'. Some minor details remain, but the game is over....and they realize are starting to consider putting us in all those empty FEMA/DHS detention camps as Physics/Logical Terrorists. [perhaps for peeking under the petticoats of Secret Empire.]

* 9-11-01 was 11-22-63 on steroids and nanothermite - the same M.O. in both were used: destruction of evidence, planted stories and actors to confuse and promote the official version immediately after the event, non-investigation 'investigations', threats and some deaths of important witnesses and potential or real whistleblowers, outright lies, false 'evidence' planted, changing stories to adapt to unplanned failures and discoveries, an official version that defies the Laws of Physics, a well funded permanent cover-up, magic tricks to confuse and confound, minions of Sunsteinian agents and Mockingbirds to try to control the debate and stop the doubters from gaining traction with the Public, control of the MSM - which the forces that were behind both basically own and control through proxy, ersatz official reports, tampered with evidence and witnesses....and much more...[B].[/B]:Confusedhock:: [they both masked a naked grab for more control, money and power through crooked finance, crooked politics, wars and proxy wars, and a diminution of rights and freedoms at 'home'], direct analogy between the single/magic bullet 'theory' and the official NISTian WTC tower collapse 'theory'.
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Messages In This Thread
The KEY to unlocking the 'official lie' of 9-11-01 is there was TOO MUCH ENERGY INVOLVED! - by Peter Lemkin - 22-09-2013, 10:02 AM

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