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Lee Harvey Oswald Was My Friend
Hi Lauren... JA has a few folders on Peter Paul Gregory (father and interpreter) and Paul Roderick Gregory (the son)

There is a 3 page and 19 document (with duplicates in other folders)... the 19 page doc is what you want

In that instant, my father, Pete Gregory, l[B]inked the voice to a nurse [/B]who sat in the back of his class and had once identified herself as "Oswald."
(Marguerite, Lee's mother, was NEVER a nurse)

Here is an excerpt from H&L:

I was anxious to see if I could locate other Stripling students who knew Oswald,
and asked Fran if she had a y earbook, photos, or a student directory. Fran said that Stripling
did not have yearbooks, she had no photos of Oswald, but she did have a 1953-54
Stripling Student directory. 54-20 'Even though the directory was printed the year before
Harvey attended Stripling (fall, 1954 ), I began looking through it to see if any names
were familiar.

On page 29 there was an entry for an 8th grade student who lived at 3513 Dorothy
Lane. The student's name was Paul Gregory, the son of Russian emigre Peter Paul
54-21 In the fall of 1954 both Paul Gregory and Harvey Oswald attended Stripling
and both were in the 9th grade. Eight y ears later, in the summer of 1962, their paths
crossed again.

In June 1962, after Harvey Oswald returned from Russia, he sought out Paul
Gregory's father, Peter Paul Gregory, who taught Russian classes. Peter Gregory spoke
with Oswald and then wrote a "to whom it may concern" letter regarding Oswald's proficiency
in the Russian language.

In the fall of 1962 Paul Gregory was studying Russian at the University of
Oklahoma and, during the Thanksgiving holidays, drove Harvey Oswald, Marina, and
their daughter to Robert Oswald's home for dinner (1962). In November, 1963, following
the assassination of President Kennedy, Paul Gregory showed up as an interpreter for
Marina Oswald

Couple problems here... and in the article posted. Marina spoke english, HARVEY wpoke Russian.
LEE was supposed to have learned Russian using the BERLITZ METHOD while in the Marines... NOT in the USSR.
The quick version of BERLITZ - TOTAL IMMERSION - was not developed until 1964

He was given a Russian proficiency exam in the Marines.



eter Paul Gregory had been teaching a Russian language class at theFort

Worth Public Library for several y ears as well as teaching at CarswellAir Force base
(Fort Worth). Gregory, a petroleum engineer in his early 60's, was anative of Russia who
lived a few blocks from W.C. Stripling Junior High on Dorothy Lane. Hisson, Paul
Gregory, was Oswald's age and attended the 9th grade at StriplingJunior High during the 1954-
55 school year-the same year that Harvey Oswald attended Stripling.62-09


Stripling is the school HOOVER sends an agent to at 7am 11/23 to acquire the 1954 school records of Oswald
yet his records indicate LEE was at Beauregard JHS in NOLA from Sept '53 - June '55.

Although living at a number of places between 1954 and 1963...
HARVEY's "mother" is at 2220 THOMAS AVE across the street from Stripling both in Sept 1954 and Nov 22, 1963.

PAUL claims not to have met Oswald until June 1962.

Hope that gets you started....


Attached Files
.jpg   Peter Gregory - certifies Oswald speaks Russian.jpg (Size: 373.91 KB / Downloads: 53)
.jpg   Folsom Ex 1 - Oswald reads-writes Russian in 1959.jpg (Size: 343.74 KB / Downloads: 53)
.jpg   54-21.jpg (Size: 143.3 KB / Downloads: 52)
.jpg   54-22.jpg (Size: 229.99 KB / Downloads: 2)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

Messages In This Thread
Lee Harvey Oswald Was My Friend - by Tracy Riddle - 08-11-2013, 11:20 PM
Lee Harvey Oswald Was My Friend - by Marc Ellis - 08-11-2013, 11:38 PM
Lee Harvey Oswald Was My Friend - by Magda Hassan - 08-11-2013, 11:55 PM
Lee Harvey Oswald Was My Friend - by David Josephs - 08-11-2013, 11:58 PM
Lee Harvey Oswald Was My Friend - by Tom Scully - 19-10-2016, 11:35 AM
Lee Harvey Oswald Was My Friend - by Tom Scully - 19-10-2016, 12:01 PM
Lee Harvey Oswald Was My Friend - by Albert Doyle - 19-10-2016, 03:54 PM
Lee Harvey Oswald Was My Friend - by Peter Lemkin - 19-10-2016, 05:01 PM
Lee Harvey Oswald Was My Friend - by Peter Lemkin - 19-10-2016, 05:02 PM
Lee Harvey Oswald Was My Friend - by Albert Doyle - 20-10-2016, 04:17 PM

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