26-11-2013, 09:27 PM
David Josephs Wrote:Tracy Riddle Wrote:If I remember correctly, Marguerite and Robert kept the originals and the WC made copies for the National Archives. Marguerite sold many of her letters over the years to raise money.
Can you link us to ANY images of ANY of these letters from Oswald?
I've searched JA's docs (who spent weeks at the Archives) and we still have nothing FROM his family to Oswald... If LEE was writing his real mother... and HARVEY is the man we are dealing with... LEE's mother's letters or LEE's brother's letters simply could not be included in the evidence as LEE and HARVEY were not in the same places at the same time.
I don't know about all of that; I'm just saying that the letters Marguerite brought to the WC I believe were copied, and she took the originals home and eventually sold many of them. Like the people who received letters from Ruby in jail - many have been sold to collectors.