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Sean Murphy's research deserves more
Tracy Riddle Wrote:I've followed this thread on the Education Forum and was initially highly skeptical, but now I'm more on the fence. We should be able to figure out who "prayer man" is by deduction. My only doubt comes from the possibility that "prayer man" may be a woman (middle-aged or older) with short hair. We don't have photos of most of the TSBD employees to compare it to.

Here's a list I made up years ago of all the employees, based on FBI interviews done in 1964. Name/Occupation/location at time of assassination:

Adams, Victoria Elizabeth Scott-Foresman employee, fourth floor. Did not see LHO on stairs TSBD, 4th floor window with Dorman, Styles, Garner
Aiken, Haddon Spurgeon Worked at the N Houston warehouse
Arce, Danny Garcia Hispanic Order filler at TSBD North side of Elm, alone on grassy area in front of TSBD
Arnold, Carolyn (R.E.) TSBD Secretary. Saw LHO shortly before assassination; she did not return to TSBD after shooting TSBD, in front with OV Campbell, Dragoo, Bonnie Richley, Virgie Baker, Judy Johnson
Barnum, Virginia H. McGraw-Hill Publishing; was away at lunch during assassination; returned at 12:40 and could not enter building
Berry, Jane Scott-Foresman employee, fourth floor North side of Elm with Betty Thornton
Burns, Doris Fay Macmillan Co. employee, third floor TSBD, third floor hallway
Calvery, Gloria South Western Publishing Co employee North side of Elm, halfway between Houston and TU with Carol Reed, Karan Hicks, Karen Westbrook
Campbell, Ochus Virgil Vice president of the TSBD On Elm in front of TSBD
Case, Edna Macmillan Co employee, third floor TSBD, third floor with Sandra Ellerson
Cason, Jack Charles President of TSBD, was on Stemmons Freeway at time of assassination
Caster, Warren South-Western Publishing Co. District Manager; not at work on 11/22; brought rifles into TSBD on 11/20
Clay, Billie P. (Mrs Herman N.) Allyn-Bacon employee, third floor On Elm west of TSBD with Mary Lea Williams, Georgia Hendrix, Sue Dickerson, Mrs John Hawkins
Davis, Avery (Mrs Charles Thomas Davis) Scott-Foresman employee, fourth floor TSBD entrance steps with Judy McCully
Davis, Mrs. Joseph A. (Vickie) Absent from work on 11/22/1963
Dean, Ruth Macmillan Publishing employee, third floor TSBD front steps with Madie Reese
Dickerson, Mary Sue Allyn-Bacon Inc employee, third floor North side of Elm, in front of TSBD with Bille Clay
Dorman, Elsie Scott-Foresman Co., fourth floor, 57 years old TSBD, 4th floor with Dorothy Ann Garner, Victoria Adams, Sandra Styles
Dougherty, Jack Edwin Stock clerk at TSBD TSBD, 5th floor near elevator alone
Dragoo, Betty Jean TSBD employee, 2nd floor, 27 years old On Elm in front of TSBD with Bonnie Richey, Carolyn Arnold, Virgie Baker, Judy Johnson
Elerson, Sandra Sue (Mrs Ronald G.) Temp working for MacMillan Publishing, third floor TSBD, third floor window
Foster, Betty Alice Scott-Foresman clerk TSBD, 4th floor stockroom with Mary Hollies
Frazier, Buell Wesley Order filler at TSBD TSBD, front steps with William Shelley, Lovelady
Garner, Dorothy Ann Scott-Foresman employee, fourth floor TSBD, 4th floor (5th window from east end) with Elsie Dorman, Victoria Adams, Sandra Styles
Givens, Charles Douglas Black wrapper/order filler at TSBD Corner of Record and Elm St.
Hendrix, Georgia Ruth Allyn-Bacon employee, third floor On Elm St, 150ft west of TSBD with Mary Lee Williams, Herman Clay, Sue Dickerson, Mrs John Hawkins
Hicks, Karan (Mrs James Daniel) South-Western Publishing, second floor North side of Elm, halfway between TSBD and TU with Glory Calvery, Carol Reed, Karen Westbrook
Hine, Geneva L. Credit Desk, TSBD TSBD, second floor alone
Hollies, Mary Madeline Scott-Foresman employee, fourth floor TSBD, Fourth floor window with Alice Foster
Holt, Gloria Jeannie Clerk in billing dept, TSBD since July 1963 South side of Elm with Jacob, Mrs Nelson (Sharon Simmons)
Hopson, Yola D. Scott-Foresman employee, fourth floor TSBD, Fourth floor middle window with Ruth Nelson
Hughes, Carol South Western Publishing employee, 2nd floor TSBD, Second floor window alone
Jacob, Stella Billing dept typist, TSBD since July 1963 South side of Elm (with Sharon Simmons [Mrs Nelson], Jeanne Holt)
Jarman, James Earl "Junior" Black checker at TSBD TSBD, Fifth floor window
Johnson, Judy Marie TSBD employee on 2nd floor. Did not return to TSBD after shooting SW corner of Elm and Houston with Holt, Jacob, Richey, Carolyn Arnold, Betty Dragoo.
Jones, Carl Edward Black order filler at TSBD TSBD, front steps w/Roy Truly, Campbell, Reid, Lovelady
Jones, Spaulden Earnest Manager of MacMillan Co., at a restaurant at time of assassination
Junker, Herbert L. MacMillan Co. employee, at a restaurant at time of assassination
Kaiser, Frankie Absent from work on 11/22/1963; found a clip supposedly belonged to LHO
Kounas, Dolores Arlene McGraw-Hill Publishing employee, third floor Elm & Houston SW corner with Roberta Parker and Lloyd Viles
Lawrence, Patricia Ann MacMillan Co. employee North side of Elm in front of TSBD with Lucy Whitaker
Lewis, Roy Edward Black warehouse worker TSBD, front entrance by himself
Lovelady, Billy Nolan Stock clerk, first floor, probably man seen in doorway in Altgens photo TSBD, front steps (with William Shelley, Sarah Stanton)
Lovelady, Dottie Absent from work on 11/22/1963
McCulley, Judith Louise Scott-Foresman employee, fourth floor TSBD, front steps with Mrs Charles Davis
Molina, Joe R. Credit Manager at TSBD, second floor TSBD, front steps with Otis Williams and Pauline Sanders
Nelson, Ruth Smith Scott-Foresman employee, fourth floor TSBD, Fourth floor window, east side with Yola Hopson
Nelson, Sharon Clerk, TSBD On Elm St halfway between TU and TSBD, with Holt and Jacob
Norman, Harold Dean Warehouse worker TSBD, Fifth floor window (with Williams and Jarman)
Palmer, Helen L. McGraw-Hill Book Co. employee, third floor; not at work on 11/22
Parker, Roberta McGraw-Hill employee, third floor Across street from TSBD w/Delores Kounas, Lloyd Viles
Piper, Eddie Black janitor at TSBD TSBD, First floor window
Rachley, Virgie (Mrs Donald Baker) A clerk at the TSBD, second floor In front of TSBD entrance with Dragoo, Carolyn Arnold, Judy Johnson, Bonnie Richey
Reed, Carol Southwestern Publishing employee Elm Street halfway between TU and TSBD (w/Karan Hicks, Karen Westbrook, Gloria Calvery)
Reed, Martha Biller, TSBD North side of Elm, between Record and Houston Sts
Reese, Madie Belle MacMillan employee, third floor TSBD, front steps (w/Ruth Dean)
Reid, Mrs. Robert A. Clerical supervisor, TSBD TSBD, front entrance (with Roy Truly and Ochus Campbell)
Richey, Bonnie Secretary, TSBD In front of TSBD (w/Ochus Campbell, Carolyn Arnold, Virgie Baker, Betty Dragoo, Judy Johnson)
Sanders, Pauline Clerk-accountant, TSBD, second floor TSBD, front entrance (w/Sarah Stanton)
Shelley, William H. 37 years old, Oswald's supervisor TSBD, front entrance (Billy Lovelady in front of him, also near Frazier, Sarah Stanton and Carolyn Arnold)
Shields, Edward Black shipping clerk at N. Houston warehouse On Main St with Charles Givens and James Lacy (in front of Mullendore's Cafeteria, 601 Main St.)
Smith, Gordon Not interviewed by FBI
Springer, Pearl Cutting room of TSBD? Close to SE corner of Elm & Houston
Stansbery, Joyce Maurine American Book Co., third floor North side of Elm
Stanton, Sarah D. Clerk, TSBD TSBD, front entrance (w/William Shelley, Otis Williams, R.E. Sanders, Billy Lovelady)
Styles, Sandra K. Scott-Foresman employee, fourth floor TSBD, 4th floor window (w/Dorothy Garner, Elsie Dorman, Victoria Adams)
Thornton, Betty Jean Scott-Foresman employee, fourth floor In front of TSBD (with Jane Berry)
Truly, Roy Sansom Superintendent TSBD TSBD, front entrance (with Ochus Campbell)
Viles, Lloyd R. McGraw-Hill Co., third floor Across street from TSBD (w/Dolores Kounas and Roberta Parker)
West, Troy Eugene Black wrapper, TSBD First floor TSBD (did not witness)
Westbrook, Karen South Western Publishing employee, 2nd floor North side of Elm halfway between TSBD and TU (w/Gloria Calvery, Carol Reed, Karan Hicks)
Wester, Franklin Emmett Stockman at North Houston warehouse since 1/1963; saw Frazier morning of 11/22/63
Whatley, Vida Lee Lyons and Carnahan Publishing secretary, was shopping on Elm St, did not witness assassination
Whitaker, Lucy (Lupe) Stenographer, MacMillan Co, TSBD Elm Street, north side in front of TSBD (w/Patricia Ann Lawrence)
Williams, Bonnie Ray Black checker, TSBD since Sept 1963 TSBD, fifth floor window (with Norman and Jarman)
Williams, Mary Lee Allyn and Bacon employee, third floor North side of Elm, just west of TSBD (w/ Sue Dickerson, Billie Clay, Ruth Hendrix. Mrs John Hawkins and son)
Williams, Otis Neville Bookkeeping supervisor, TSBD Front steps TSBD
Wilson, Steven F. Vice President of SW division of Allyn and Bacon, third floor TSBD, 3rd floor window

Nice work Tracy.
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992

Messages In This Thread
Sean Murphy's research deserves more - by Seamus Coogan - 12-12-2013, 05:53 PM

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