20-12-2013, 09:02 PM
David you really misunderstood my point so I apologise for not making it just that little bit clearer and as a result wasting your time.
Tracy said it best earlier in the thread;
Sure a few went immeadiatly back inside to work but not after hearing unmistakable gunfire from anywhere, let alone their own building.
That's the crock.
As btw is Allman, 100% COS.
Tracy said it best earlier in the thread;
Quote:It was either Meagher or Weisberg who first pointed out that not one of the TSBD employees was afraid of returning to the building, or acted like the shots came from their workplace. Some of the female employees would later tell the WC that they thought the shots came from the TSBD, but also said that they went right back to their offices. Oh really? Does that sound believable? In the office building where I work, if the President was shot right outside and anyone suspected the shooter was in our building, NO ONE would be going back in to possibly encounter a madman with a gun.
Sure a few went immeadiatly back inside to work but not after hearing unmistakable gunfire from anywhere, let alone their own building.
That's the crock.
As btw is Allman, 100% COS.