29-12-2013, 07:45 AM
Albert Doyle Wrote:Different evidence bears different weight. The factor of Fritz being confirmed as quoting Oswald as being on the 2nd floor supersedes any Baker-based logic that puts Oswald out on the steps during the shooting. This is reinforced by Carolyn Arnold's witnessing of Oswald in the lunchroom at 12:25. At the point of Darnell there were simply too many non-Frazier people who would have passed Prayer Man while going in to the Depository.
I'm not seeing a Lee Harvey Oswald on the porch/landing area outside the TSBD front entrance. Prayer Man, to me is possibly a female with her arms in a purse/strap holding position. I am thinking there is/was a center railing on the doorway steps, but I am not sure, and I have long believed that the angle of the Algens Photo makes Billy Nolan Lovelady appear father to his right than he actually is in the picture. To me, BNL is just to his right of the center of the top of the stairs, at least at the time of the photo. Not trying for an argument, JMO.