29-12-2013, 04:21 PM
LR Trotter Wrote:Prayer Man, to me is possibly a female with her arms in a purse/strap holding position.
I have a good eye for such things. If you look really closely Prayer Man has a side part to his hair and receding hairline making it very unlikely it's a woman.
LR Trotter Wrote:I am thinking there is/was a center railing on the doorway steps, but I am not sure, and I have long believed that the angle of the Algens Photo makes Billy Nolan Lovelady appear father to his right than he actually is in the picture. To me, BNL is just to his right of the center of the top of the stairs, at least at the time of the photo. Not trying for an argument, JMO.
About right. And it is absolutely Lovelady. I don't care what the less capable in analysis say.
As for Prayer Man I'm surprised DiEugenio doesn't realize how many people would have passed right next to him by the time of Darnell.