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Gerald McKnight, the FBI, the MPD, and the MLK assassination
Tracy Riddle Wrote:David Josephs - I have a problem with this shadowy "Sponsors" model because it sounds as though one group of nameless individuals is running the world (your quote: "Facilitators come and go... SPONSORS are eternal, at least until the human condition and consciousness changes") - when in fact the world is run by many different Elite and criminal groups. The US is divided up into several different factions - sometimes they cooperate, sometimes they compete with each other.

The Pentagon (the military-industrial complex) is absolutely enormous, and not run by one person or group. I worked in the defense industry for 10 years, and I live in a community with a heavy military presence. Unless you've been in that world, you can't get your head around how many agencies and departments and levels of bureaucracy there are. The US now has 16 intelligence agencies (that they've admitted to). They can't even keep track of where the money is going and what it's being spent on.

I used to have a high security clearance, but that doesn't mean you get to see any document stamped with that classification. You only get to see what your security manager lets you see (the "need to know.") There is so much compartmentalization, you literally don't know what the people in the next room are working on. And you don't ask. This is the perfect climate for conspiracies. This is how you can have drug & arms trafficking and human trafficking and false flag operations being done by different factions. Factions made up of a few dozen or a few hundred people.

High up in the officer classes, at least since the late 19th century, they were indoctrinated with militarism and anti-communism and American "exceptionalism." Think of ancient Sparta and modern Prussia. Many of them had nothing but contempt for civilians, especially those on the Left, but also the money-grubbing Wall Street types too. They saw themselves as the true guardians of the American Way of Life. They have a totally different mindset than civilians. Think of Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men, or Burt Lancaster in Seven Days in May.

"In [Gen. Lyman] Lemnitzer's view, the country would be far better off if the generals could take over." (James Bamford, Body of Secrets)

According to the Drago/Evica Model - from which we must take our meanings:
SPONSORS -- Those with the authority andmotive to sanction the assassination and the connections to engage facilitatingagents and systems.
Among them in my (C.Drago) opinion: the mostpowerful supra-national entities who were -- and are -- above Cold War and Clashof Civilization cosmetic differences.

FALSE SPONSORS These are selected primarily from involved high-levelFACILITATORS and otherwise uninvolved entities who logically might have comeunder suspicion.
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Among them in my (C. Drago) opinion: LBJ, the CIA, the Mob, anti-Castro Cubans, Big Business, Big Oil, Castro, Khrushchev, etc.

Tracy - I do not see it as "one group of nameless individuals is running the world" but those that control very obvious industries and countries... and I agree, there are of course MANY groups...

Yet in the human world there is ALWAYS a TOP OF THE PYRAMID and everyone else... many of whom working their angles to get to this TOP.
You honestly think the drug lords of Afghanistan RUN anything without the approval, mercy and payment of others?
Who has more power than the Federal Reserve?
Who influences more in this world than the CFR and related "groups"?

Your statement about the Pentagon virtually INSURES that the SPONSORS are not there... too much BS to deal with... to many hurdles... they, as you wrote are indeed the "guardians of the American Way of Life" which means Business/Financial expansion while devastaing any competition... The IMF and World Banks are perfect examples. Bechtel in Bolivia... Haliburton in the Middle East... etc, etc, etc....

The SPONSOR could care less about the "American way of life" other than how it lines pockets and increases control.

As I have tried in the past to illustrate, the SPONSOR level not only controls some of the movements but takes advantage of ALL of the movements they can... not EVERYTHING that occurs is according to some plan... yet I think we can be sure that by definition, the SPONSORS are in a position to exploit these occurances - It just makes a bit more sense to see that MANY things that happen do happen for a reason, as you've said - that we as mere mortals with limited vision can barely grasp, see or understand in a SPONSOR context.

The SPONSOR has at their resource thousands and thousands of workers thinking of ways to "maximize profit" via any means possible... in virtually every industry and corner of the globe.

Not every action of the SPONSOR need be detrimental to the populations it affects... SPONSORS deliver to the masses via altruism, everything they can think of to make profit...
whether that which they deliver is in the best interest of those who are taking it - is an entirely different conversation... and leads us back to the Tragedy of the Commons...

The sad part here is that SPONSOR envokes visions of Michael Douglass' "Star Chamber"... only on a global scale. To believe that these SPONSORS do not work in both their own and the group's best interest is to ignore all of human evolution.

This has been going on for a long time... and while this illustration may be overstepping slightly... much of what we do today comes from the tactics of Queen Elizabeth the 1st and the British East India Trading Company.

"The prosperity that the officers of the company enjoyed allowed them to return to Britain and establish sprawling estates and businesses, and to obtain political power."


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Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

Messages In This Thread
Gerald McKnight, the FBI, the MPD, and the MLK assassination - by David Josephs - 31-12-2013, 11:33 PM

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