03-03-2014, 07:51 PM
The testimony that made it to the Commission said Carolyn left at 12:15 with a group headed to the front to see the motorcade.
Golz says Mrs Arnold said 12:25 and that her alleged sighting of Oswald on the 1st floor was something she didn't say. So since we have evidence of falsification is it more or less likely that the 12:15 was also fabricated? Mrs Arnold was not invited to the Warren Commission hearings. It seems to me that anything other than the established 12:25 in the 2nd floor lunchroom, as per Mrs Arnold, would be using the Warren Report as reference.
Oh, by the way Bob, why didn't you answer this?:
Golz says Mrs Arnold said 12:25 and that her alleged sighting of Oswald on the 1st floor was something she didn't say. So since we have evidence of falsification is it more or less likely that the 12:15 was also fabricated? Mrs Arnold was not invited to the Warren Commission hearings. It seems to me that anything other than the established 12:25 in the 2nd floor lunchroom, as per Mrs Arnold, would be using the Warren Report as reference.
Oh, by the way Bob, why didn't you answer this?:
Quote:As I said before and you ignored, if you went to the witness template for other Oswald sightings you would see a strong showing of speaking up from Ralph Yates to Carolyn Arnold, to Bogard, to Roger Craig, to Carousel witnesses seeing Oswald in the shadows, and all the other known Oswald sightings I'm sure you're familiar with. There is no such outward, direct case like Oswald standing right in front of everybody on the Depository front steps, with all the dozens of witnesses who would have seen him right in front of them, without any mention at all. You will find no other exposure of Oswald in the assassination with such a 100% consistency of lack of witnessing. What you are doing is trying to place Lee Harvey Oswald in the Assassination's Times Square at high noon without anyone seeing him. Again, to me this is an obvious common sense issue. I think you are trying to suggest silence by intimidation but it just doesn't play against that overall template. Your scenario still requires Oswald to mingle in with the crowd in the doorway where their attention would be on each other at the Baker juncture. It just doesn't wash Bob.