21-03-2014, 06:23 PM
David Guyatt Wrote:Anyone wondering if the plane was hijacked, turned back towards Malaysia with the intention of flying into the Petronas Twin Towers (or similar) and was shot down by the Malaysian Air Force and the authorities are now covering this up?
Just a thought...
It's very possible that there is a blanket policy of not giving credit to such successful 9/11-like suicide hijackings. The delay in releasing the Rolls Royce engine data conforms to the same bullcrap they did with Flight 800 when they slowly developed a cover story. This cover story may now have further evolved into a flight path that now loses Flight 370 in the same deep intel abyss as Osama Bin Laden. If they find no wreckage it will be telling. However such a shootdown would be messy and would produce 9/11-type evidence and flames.
How did US intel's satellite technology miss an aircraft that now appears to have gone way out of the regular flight paths and into one of the most isolated areas of the world, and therefore would have stood out like a sore thumb? They had 7 hours to do that. How did their high tech computers, that would have seen this instantly with heat signature detection, miss this???