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MH 370: Missing Malaysian Airliner
Peter Lemkin Wrote:I've not vetted this 'theory'....just putting it out there for your enlightenment and amusement....if someone can even imagine such a complex scenario, imagine what scenario was really undertaken!..... Stranger things have happened and we have proof of!.....

While the USA is withdrawing from Afghanistan one of their command and control systems (used for controlling the pilotless drones) was hijacked by the Taliban while the American transport convoy was moving down from one of the hill top bases. The Taliban ambushed the convoy and killed 2 American Seal personnel, seized the equipment/weapons, including the command and control system which weighed about 20 tons and packed it into 6 crates. This happened about a month ago in Feb 2014.

What the Taliban want is money. They offered to sell the system to the Russians & the Chinese. The Russians are too busy in Ukraine but the Chinese are hungry for the system's technology. Just imagine if the Chinese master the technology behind the command and control system, all American drones will become useless. So the Chinese sent 8 top defence scientists to check the system and agreed to pay millions for it.

Sometime in early Mar 2014, the 8 scientists and the 6 crates made their way to Malaysia , thinking that it was the best covert way to avoid detection. The cargo was then kept in the Embassy under diplomatic protection. Meanwhile the Americans engaged the assistance of Israeli intelligence, and together they were determined to intercept and recapture the cargo.

The Chinese decided that it would be safest to transport it via civilian aircraft so as to avoid suspicion. After all the direct flight from KL to Beijing takes only 4 and half hours, and the American would not hijack or harm a civilian aircraft ... So MH370 was the perfect carrier.

There are 5 American and Israeli agents onboard who are familiar with the Boeing's operation. The 2 "Iranians" with stolen passports could be among them.

When MH370 was about to leave Malaysian air space and was reporting to Vietnamese air control, one American AWAC jammed their signal, disabled the pilot control system and switched over to remote control mode. That was when the plane suddenly lost altitude momentarily.

How can AWAC do this ? Remember the 9/11 incident ? After the 9/11 incident, all Boeing aircraft (and possibly all Airbus) were fitted with a remote control system to counter terrorist hijacking. Since then all Boeings can be remote controlled by ground control tower. The same remote control system is used to control pilotless spy aircraft and drones.

The 5 American/Israeli agents soon took over the plane, switched off the transponder and other communication systems, changed course and flew westwards. They did not dare to fly east to the Philippines or Guam because the whole of the South China Sea air space is covered by Chinese surveillance radar and satellite.

The Malaysian, Thai and Indian military radars actually detected the unidentified aircraft but did not react professionally.

The plane flew over North Sumatra, Anambas, South India and then landed in the Maldives (some villagers saw the aircraft landing), refuelled and continued its flight to Garcia Deigo, the American Air Base in the middle of the Indian Ocean. The cargo and the black box were removed. The passengers were silenced via natural means, lack of oxygen. They believe only dead people will not talk. The MH370 with dead passengers took off again via remote control and crashed into the South Indian Ocean, causing the world to believe that the plane eventually ran out of fuel and crashed, and hence blame the defiant captain and co-pilot.

The Americans have put up a good show. First diverting all the attention and search effort into the South China Sea while the plane made its way to the Indian Ocean . Then they came out with conflicting statements and evidence to confuse the world. Australia is complicit.

The amount of effort put in by China, in terms of the number of search aircraft, ships and satellites, searching first the South China Sea, then the Malacca Straits and the Indian Ocean, is unprecedented. This showed that China is very concerned, not so much because of the many Chinese civilian passengers, but mainly because of the high value cargo and its 8 top defence scientists.

An interesting theory, and one that would explain many strange things....BUT, one thing that would not make sense here is flying the 'cargo' to China - as Afghanistan and China have a land border....but such a complex story, to me, smells of intelligence-inspired disinformation to hide the real magic that went on!....and is going on still....

As far as I know the cargo manifest has NOT been released. There were rumors of lithium batteries - but only rumors. I'm inclined to think the cargo may hold [pun intended] the answers.

This theory seems quite possible to me.And would be a good reason for ALL parties involved to keep quiet.And,remember the Malaysians said there is a National security aspect that needs to be kept secret,if I remember correctly.
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller

Messages In This Thread
MH 370: Missing Malaysian Airliner - by Keith Millea - 08-04-2014, 05:44 PM

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