16-07-2009, 02:04 PM
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Yes, CD got my point, but I think you failed to get it. While the executions were public the real shooters, the real means, the real magic tricks were done with deception and misdirection.
Ok, Pete, let's take that final sentence and interrogate it.
What does it mean? What are these "real magic tricks...done with deception and misdirection"? Isn't that just a rather fancy way of saying there was some elementary misdirection ie distractions shots? Supplemented, say, by some planted witnesses and some fake films? Is there not a real danger in using terminology which renders this an occult event, beyond the powers of mere human comprehension and description? We are, after all, dealing with the actions of men, not demons.
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Almost everyone in DP was looking at JFKs limo.
Not according to the Z-fake...
Peter Lemkin Wrote:RFK was shot in the kitchen where it was crowded and confused and few had their attention on him.
Isn't that a bit of a cheat? Everyone looks at the target when it suits, but doesn't when it doesn't? And isn't it true that things only became "confused" when the shooting began?
Quote:While it is not impossible to imagine a scenario of the driver doing it, I find NO evidence this happened and it being the most dangerous of possible plans.
Ok, let's have a look at that last sentence: Why is it most dangerous of possible plans? An assassin who controls the speed of his intended victim, as a driver-assassin does, is no small advantage. Shooting from within the car avoids a number of major potential pitfalls, from interposed pedestrians and motorcylists, to detection by accident. It also fixes the range of shot, and confines the target's movements. These are huge, practical advantages over any external shooter hypothesis.
Quote:By the way there is a book that posits a shot from the trunk, with the assassin in it....but both are IMO diversions from the real tricks that day.
I remember it, and bloody awful rubbish it was, too.