18-07-2009, 09:00 PM
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Charles Drago Wrote:If we accept that magic -- in the sense that Giordano Bruno, Mircea Eliade, Ioan Culianu, and Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier, among others, would use the term of art -- has been and continues to be employed as a key element in the manipulations of our perceptions, then perforce we must conclude that Z-film alteration was intended to accomplish far more than disguising the source and number of gunshots fired at the limo and the nature of its occupants' wounds.
One example: How anesthetized we have become to the butchers' gruesome work as a result of our repeated viewings of frame 313 (is this number merely an accident?).
They've made our horror disappear.
Indeed. But the very vibrancy of frame 313, of a President's head exploding splattered in red gore, is initially so shocking that it is one of the official reasons for the original suppression of Zapruder.
The very first reaction of the viewer, on first viewing of frame 313, is almost always to look away.
These matters have a life of their own.
The original aim may have been to obscure.
The long term effect has been to anaesthetize. In part, because directors from Peckinpah onwards have believed in showing trauma and violence. The earlier cinematic and televisual tradition, combined with censorship, had insisted on suggesting horror before cutting away to metaphor or symbol or witness reaction shot.
Frame 313 can be seen here:
Horrifying the viewer:
Quote:“By Tuesday, numerous pictures, both still and movie, were being offered to news media. At least one television station was besieged with protests after it had shown scenes of the President’s motorcade at the moment of the shooting. Many viewers considered them to be too gruesome,”
Rick Friedman, ”Pictures of the Assassination Fall to Amateurs on Street,” Editor & Publisher, 30 November 1963, p.67.